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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Seven Simple Ideas That Made Millioins!

Seven Simple Ideas That Made Millioins!

>The United States is a nation of innovators. Some of their inventions are grand and revolutionary, like the Internet, while others are small and idiosyncratic. A seemingly small change sometimes has a dramatic effect on the way people organize their lives or get things done.

My younger brother, who is now deceased, used to have a favorite saying :  "It only takes one simple idea to become a millionaire."
Then he would continue:  "Unfortunately, I just haven't thought of mine yet!"
But there are some who have, and what they created anyone could have done.  These are not complex inventions that required higher levels of education or vast amounts of money and research. 
Here are seven simple ideas that cost less than $5 and have made millions.

Post-it products © Mark Elias/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Post-it Notes

 Consider Post-it Notes. The sticky yellow pads are an example of an inexpensive product that has generated at least $1 million in sales. Post-it Notes got their start with a failed adhesive at 3M (MMM), one of America's most inventive companies.
The glue wasn't sticky enough for ordinary uses, but 3M's Arthur Fry began using it to attach removable notes to his reports. Colleagues soon started requesting the sticky notes for themselves.

From its humble beginning, the concept behind the Post-it has been applied to about 4,000 products. Not bad for a failed adhesive.

Girls drinking with Krazy Straws © Jose Luis Pelaez/Getty Images

Krazy Straws

Parents know that kids can be finicky eaters and drinkers. Back in 1936, inventor Arthur P. Gildersleeve of Denver came up with a new twist on this age-old problem. He tried bending straws to attract children's interest and make it more likely they would overlook their aversion to milk and juice. Gildersleeve's simple invention can be found in stores all over the world, marketed under names like Krazy Straws and sold in a variety of colors and shapes.

  • Slinky toy © George Diebold


    This simple invention by Richard James was introduced at Gimbels department store in Philadelphia in 1945 and was a raging success from Day One; all 400 of the store's Slinky toys were purchased within 90 minutes. Since then, more than 300 million Slinky toys have since been sold, making it a classic and inexpensive staple in kids' toy boxes. 

    N'Dea Jackson (left) and Ki Anna Dorsey show off their Silly Bandz © Mark Gail/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    Silly Bandz

    If you have kids, you're probably familiar with Silly Bandz, those silicon rubber bands that were created nearly a decade ago by Japanese designers who wanted to introduce a more environmentally friendly rubber band as an office product.
    The bands can be bent into a multitude of shapes, including animals, rock stars, letters and numbers. Despite a host of imitators, Silly Bandz sells 1 million packs a week.

    Pet Rock creator Gary Dahl © Bettmann/CORBIS

    Pet Rocks

    It started as a joke in 1975. Hearing friends complain about their pets, advertising executive Gary Dahl opined that a rock was the ideal companion because it gave its owner no trouble. Dahl put together "The Pet Rock Training Manual" on the proper care and handling of rocks, and packaged each with a rock that came in a cardboard kennel and cost $3.95.

    A patriotic-themed antenna ball © Bo Zaunders/CORBIS

    Antenna balls

    Jason Wall became a millionaire selling antenna balls, little round toppings for car antennas adorned with smiley faces, red cherries, ladybugs and other feel-good designs.
    Wall was inspired by the "Jack" character in commercials for the burger chain Jack in the Box (JACK). He began selling his invention at auto supply stores near his California home and later contracted with Wal-Mart (WMT) to sell his antenna balls.

    Koosh balls and inventor Scott Stillinger © Acey Harper/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images

    Koosh balls

    Another simple ball that made millions for its inventor is the Koosh ball, created by Scott Stillinger in 1987.
    Stillinger wanted a ball that was easier for his children to toss and catch. He tied rubber bands together to create the soft ball, named after the sound it made when it hit the ground. Stillinger started a company, OddzOn Products, to make Koosh balls and related products. He later sold the company, but the balls are still on the market.
    Now, why didn't I think of that 

    posted on Apr 8, 2011 7:39 AM ()


    How cool would it be to think of one of these???
    comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 10, 2011 7:31 AM ()
    I like that inventors show that is on network TV sometimes, to see what people come up with and wonder if their ideas will find a market.
    comment by traveltales on Apr 9, 2011 6:58 PM ()
    These are all sort of fun. The nerf ball is used in physical therapy so sometimes these things have more than one purpose.
    comment by elderjane on Apr 9, 2011 4:35 AM ()
    I'll let you know when I think of a great idea that someone hasn't already thought of....
    comment by marta on Apr 8, 2011 11:00 PM ()
    I feel my simple idea brewing somewhere. Unfortunately, I think it is brewing in someone else's brain.
    comment by dragonflyby on Apr 8, 2011 8:59 AM ()
    That must be what happened to mine!!!I was wondering where it went!!
    reply by redimpala on Apr 8, 2011 10:31 AM ()
    Empty brain here.
    comment by tealstar on Apr 8, 2011 8:51 AM ()
    Oh, come on! I know better than that!
    reply by redimpala on Apr 8, 2011 10:32 AM ()
    My simple idea is coming up soon--right after I win the Powerball!
    comment by greatmartin on Apr 8, 2011 7:50 AM ()
    But you don't need to win the powerball to invent something simple! Besides, once you win, you won't need to come up with your idea! You already be a millionaire!
    reply by redimpala on Apr 8, 2011 7:56 AM ()

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