CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Entertainment > Humor > Joanie Bug's Christmas Salute to Blogging Pals!

Joanie Bug's Christmas Salute to Blogging Pals!

Merry Christmas, Y'all!  This here is C.J. Bugster's country cuzzin' checkin' in! I don't kno whare C.J. has got off to, so ahm hostin' thu  3rd annual Christmas Eve Party.  Now, ahm snowed in out here on thu farm, is the only problum.

But....Tis the Day Before Christmas

And ahm determined to git this here party

Up and runnin' in spite of the slush!

It shore is quiet out here!

Not a creature is a stirrin'

Not even mah pet mouse!

Ah gotta' have sum help

gittin' thu MyBloggerstown family thru this here snow!

Ah checked in with ol' Santee

tuh see if'n he could help,

With his sleigh 'n all, you know!

But the little fat man was havin' his own problums!

He'd had to go to Congrus fer a bailout

What with the elf an' reindeer yoo--yuns

Wantin' more candy and sugar plums

'fore they'd leave their rooms, git out 'n about

To Make The toys an' practice reindeer runs.

And tuh top that, thu reindeer don't give a flip

That the stockings are already hanging by the chimney with care

In hopes that the old fat man will soon be there.

No Sir Ree, Bob!  They're refusin' to pull thu sleigh

Becuz' Congrus tuk their benefits away!

But thu little fat guy has promised he'll still be there

He's promised, by golly, to find some way

Tuh make his duhlivries same as always!

Ah'll send out an SOS on thu cumputer!

Messages tuh all the MyBloggerstown crew.

It'll go out tuh Jondude

Enjoyin' his ceegar an his Margarita too!

Can't fergit Annie out on the ranch

If'n she can rope that bull,

She can ride him thru that pass near South Branch!

Ekykentuky, quit playin' docter!

You're a nurse, jest like Miz Scarlett!

Miz' Scarlett seems tuh be at it

agin!  Her middle name is campain-campain-campain!

(Does she ruhmind yuh a little of Sarah Palin

Or is that jest mah eyesite a failin?)

Love the shoes, Grump! But Unless

Yuh want frostbite, yuh mite consider best

Sumthin' with a little more sole!

Yer personal, angel, Cindy ,up in the heights,

Thouht thu longhandels and bunny shoes was the most stylish

outfit she'd seen yuh wear!

Boy!  If yuh could only figur a way

tuh git that gal outta yer hair!

Hayduke!  here's your invite!

Better git outta that bar

fore yuh find yerself in a fight!

Could yuh pick up Susil on thu way

Ah thank she took that rum recipe

Way, way too far!!

 Wait a minute!  Ah hear a racket an' a clatter.

Leh me go see what's thu matter!

Oh no!  It's Strider n' Texasstar at it once more!

It's jest a matter of time til one uf 'em hits the floor!

Enuf! Y'all!  It's Christmus!  Keep it up 'n you'll Have tuh go

back out in that cold, cold, snow.

"Guys, get a cup of eggnog and chill,"  implored Gem!           
   Tis the season to be merry,  so join me at the puter, if  you will
                           And take out your frustrations on the machine." 
                                   Let's have peace in MyBloggersville.

"Wait a minute!  Ah hear anuther clatter.

Ah'll take a look outta thu winda jest as soon

As I can undo this gol dern sash

It's sum uf MyBloggerstown arrivin with a dash!

And guess what!  They're ridin' flyin' reindeer!

Ol' Santee got them in the spirit after all!

More rapid than than an American-made V8 them coursers they came,

An they're  yellin' and whistlin' and callin' 'em by name!"

Giddy-up!  Dasher!   "You're a poor excuse for a horse,

             that's all I can say,"  
November was heard to exclaim! 

Hangin' on buhhind wuz Michigan Mom and Sunshine!

"Whar's the Batmobilie when yuh need it?" yelled Mom!

Uh! Oh!  There goes mah purse!

Meanwhile, Sunshine wuz so skeered she started tuh curse!

"Whee!  This is a riot!" yelled Donna as she went flying past!

"Go Dancer!  We'll get there yet ahead of Prancer!

Anacoma was hanging on--not so sure she liked going this fast!

Lynnie was in front with Tracy ridin' the rear.

It wuz quite a sight tuh see as they drew near!

"Steady, Prancer," yelled 'Yer Honor'!  (Looserobes)

I don't know of whom I should have the most fear!

Those idiots in court or this crazy reindeer!


"Let's go, Vixen,"yelled Fredo.

"Collectibles to collect, tennis to play"

Move over all--outta thu way!"

"Whoa, Comet!" yelled Elderjane!

Jest back frum her cruise.

Down on thu farm, we eat thu likes uh you.

Behave yerself if yuh don't wanna become

Another venison treat for us too!

Ridin' shotgun with Jane was her good buddy,  Troutbend!

Ah may hafta give these two a subscription fer sum

Exercise lessons tuh trim up thu thighs and the ol' tum tum!

Mollyhollywood  rode Blitzen.

                    "Blitzen, wave your antlers, she implored.

              Be jolly, by golly!  I've got lots of  treats I've stored."

                   As the dry leaves that before a hurricane fly,

                       she waved to everyone

                   When she and Blitzen went soaring by.

           Just then in walked Dragonfly and Nittineedles!

                               Those Hawaiians--Panthurdreams and Hopefields
                                         Just called in with the flu! " they reported. 
                                        Be thankful you're here, and it's not you!"

Then suddenly ah heard a prancin' and pawing of each litle hoof

As somethin landed on thu roof.

Even the snoman got excited!

Why!  It was CJ Bugster back at last

And with her our good friend, Buggs

an her cuzzin Joanie Bug!

"So glad you could all come,"  said Joanie Bug.

"Sorry I can't stay, but I'm off to Florida

Too See My Sooners Play!"

With that, she put her antenna to her nose

And up the chimney she rose!

But I heard her exclaim as she flew outta' sight,


Please!  No thanks for the wonderful graphics of each of you!  I had to search long and hard to capture your essence!  LOL!!! Any actual resemblence to you is a total accident.  Hope you'll enjoy them in the spirit of love and affection for you that I have.hit counter

posted on Dec 24, 2008 4:35 PM ()


WOW!!! This is fantastic!!!!! Hope your Christmas was great!!!! (By the way, brush up on your spelling, will you? It took me 20 minutes to figure out "Yoo-Yun" was "union"!
And, just for your information, I will NOT come out of the bar! I happen to LIKE it there. Thank you very much!!!!
comment by hayduke on Dec 29, 2008 9:19 AM ()
Ah, Joanie Bug, MyBloggers Town loves you! That took an awful lot of work, and it turned out splendidly... cute!!
comment by sunlight on Dec 27, 2008 2:53 PM ()
Happy Holidays!
comment by marta on Dec 25, 2008 1:46 PM ()
Your Christmas labor of love is appreciated, many thanks for this.

comment by anacoana on Dec 25, 2008 10:09 AM ()
Have a very Merry Christmas, to each and all, you and yours.
comment by oldfatguy on Dec 25, 2008 8:43 AM ()
That was so terrific.What a wonderful job that you did there.
Thank you so much.This made my day.Loved it.
Merry Christmas.
comment by fredo on Dec 25, 2008 5:57 AM ()
comment by strider333 on Dec 24, 2008 11:12 PM ()
Great blog. You really spent a lot of time putting this one together. But, we enjoyed it. Thanks and have yourself a very Merry Christmas.

From bull ropin' Annie :o)
comment by anniel on Dec 24, 2008 9:10 PM ()
How did you find out about my house shoes and red union suit?????????
comment by grumpy on Dec 24, 2008 8:54 PM ()
Very cute! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
comment by busymichmom on Dec 24, 2008 7:29 PM ()
What a production! Very good!
comment by jondude on Dec 24, 2008 4:50 PM ()

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