CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Entertainment > Boy! That Irritates Me!

Boy! That Irritates Me!

Having just read Jim's (Hayduke) pet peeves, I thought I might as well sound off about mine too....
1.  People who reach conclusions about others without the slightest idea of who they are or what they are about.  (This happens to me a lot because I am basically shy, so people assume I consider  myself better than they when I just don't bubble over at first.)
2.  Salespeople who act as though it is a chore to help people. (They should find another job if they hate helping people.)
3.  People who automatically assume everyone from Oklahoma is minus two teeth, wears overalls or feedsack dresses, and is uneducated. (It might surprise you to know that there are a few of us who actually did go to college and GRADUATED!!!, that we do have dentists in our state and we USE them, and that we shop just like you people on the east and west coast do!  Why, we even have a few shops where a dress costs more than 9.99!)
4.  People who are rude if they have to wait in line longer than they think they should. ( Does five minutes make that much difference in the total scheme of things?  Give a person a break.)
5.  People who do not believe it is possible to love only one person all one's lifetime and consider a person mentally imbalanced if he is honest about it.  (When I fell in love, it was forever then and it is still forever.  Doesn't make me mentally imbalanced.  Just makes me one of millions who are just the same as I.)
6.  Drivers who consider the road theirs alone, honking everytime a person does something they don't like, or worse still, trying to cut the individual off or create a dangerous situation for him.  (We have got to be tolerant--everyone makes a mistake from time to time.  Revenge is even more dangerous than the original mistake.)
7.  People who criticize the Sooners, Sooner fans, and Bob Stoops. (The Sooner football team is a source of pride to the majority of Oklahomans--it was the teams of Bud Wilkinson that helped change the negative image left over from the dust bowl days that first gave Oklahomans something of which they could be proud and boast about whereever they went.  As for the fans,  I have attended many, many games; I have never seen them be rude--we are not rude people--we respect the integrity of our opponents.  As for Bob Stoops, if you had lived through the ten years between Switzer and Stoops when we didn't even qualify for a bowl game the last five years,  you would understand why people in Oklahoma like Mr. Bob.  He's a classy guy in every way.)
8.  People who use their children as pawns to keep someone in a marriage or to collect child payment.  (This is unconscienable; yet, I personally have witnessed parents doing it.  Shame on them.  Divorce can be easy for kids or it can be hard for them.  If a parent is pulling this, the child needs to know about it.)
9.  Every set of in-laws or potential in-laws with which I have ever had to deal.( I won't even go into details--it would take far too long to get all my complaints off my chest.  Suffice to say, they all think their kid s--ts little gold t..rds.) 
10.  Liars!!!! (I deplore 'little white lies' just as much as I do the big lies.  They are all going to come back to haunt a person sooner or later.  Why not just confess and be done with it.  Nobody's perfect--we all make mistakes.)

posted on Dec 4, 2008 1:15 PM ()


I agree about the people in retail that seem "annoyed" or "put out" when they have to help you find something, on the flip side of the coin, as a person who works in retail, I hate those people that think they should have the red carpet layed out for them, and your sole purpose on this earth is to bow at their feet and treat them like royalty.
comment by fugzy on Dec 14, 2008 8:34 PM ()
I particularly liked the bit about Oklahomans. We all have semisouthern accents but what the heck.
comment by elderjane on Dec 9, 2008 6:01 AM ()
Very good stuff
comment by grumpy on Dec 5, 2008 11:52 AM ()
It seems as if everyone got inspired by Jim's article. I've read others' complaints. I agree wholly with yours! There's a lot to be aggravated about these days!
comment by sunlight on Dec 5, 2008 10:02 AM ()
Many fine points made, and should be considered by all.
comment by oldfatguy on Dec 4, 2008 8:10 PM ()
#5: Ditto, been with the same man for 44 years and have not ever strayed or wanted to.
comment by gapeach on Dec 4, 2008 6:54 PM ()
11. Sitting on an airplane next to Mr. Talk-all-flight-long who never brushes his teeth or uses deodorant.

12. The person in the "15 or less" checkout line right in front of me with a full grocery cart.
comment by jondude on Dec 4, 2008 4:58 PM ()
#10: Ditto, after having been married to two of them.
comment by jondude on Dec 4, 2008 4:56 PM ()
you made your point!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 4, 2008 1:34 PM ()
You made your point.
Good post and hope that many readers read this.
Thank you for posting this.
comment by fredo on Dec 4, 2008 1:31 PM ()

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