Sometimes wishes really do come true. A little three-year-old girl in Pilot Point,
North Carolina, was at the mall delivering her Christmas wishes to Santa--she had just finishing telling him that all she wanted for Christmas was her daddy (currently serving in Afghanistan) and a blue truck.
Watch what happens next.
Think anyone will ever be able to convince her that Santa's just a myth!
posted on Dec 5, 2008 7:46 PM ()
I saw that about a week or so ago, what an awesome Christmas present for both of them. and when that little girl gets choked up when she sees him, you cant help but to grab for the tissues, especially if your a parent of young kids, and you can picture them doing that, and thinking about how that would make you feel. 

yep, brought on the tears. thanks for sharing

Wow, that is awesome. Excuse me while I go get a tissue.

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