Rara Rizal


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Run For Your Li(v)es!

Politics & Legal > Turn and Face the Strain!

Turn and Face the Strain!

Let me start by stating forthright and honest that I don't know much about politics. But lately, the US presidential election have been attracting me and I feel the need to say what I want to say. So here's what a 16-year-old Indonesian kid has in mind-(giving me feedbacks would be nice).

Human beings are slobs. We are arrogant, cocky, and we never listen. When our mothers tell us not to touch the stove, we do it anyway. When our fathers tell us to drive safe, we push the pedal till it breaks. This is human nature. We are designed to be curious. We are not designed to be obedient. We were never meant to follow words or proverbs. We're meant to TRY and experience things.

Ever since the beginning of recorded history, human beings have evolved and changed from one custom to another. Through experience, we learn that the stove is damn hot. By trying, we know what we get ourselves into. It is by actually doing and experiencing it that we know what suits us and what doesn't. It is by experience itself-and not by some sudden divine spiritual inspiration-that wise men concluded experience teaches best. We learn through what we had tried and done and we make ourselves better and civilized human beings by learning.

And that is how changes are made.

When people are not satisfied with the current system, they scream CHANGE! Why? Because they experience the dissatisfaction. They believe that "there's gotta be something better than this". We want things to change to suit our needs with our convenience. When my teachers are killing me and my friends with three exams a day, we want them to stop overdosing us with those daily written tests. We want things to change.

But there is also changes that come out of curiosity. Pointless and redundant changes we make just to "see if it fits". Sorta like spending three hours in a fitting room trying out forty three different t-shirts. What's the point? They're all t-shirts. They're all comfortable. So why not save time and pick one already?

These changes are made usually because we have no experience. I will most likely spend half the day in the fitting room trying out party dresses because I know nothing about them. I have only worn one gown in my life so I don't know what suits me. I don't know which gowns will make me look pretty and which ones will make me look like an air-balloon. Unlike some of my friends, who wears pretty dresses and attends modeling courses, they'll know what to wear.

Well, okay, there are times when they look ridiculous in a certain dress-and that way they know they'll never wear it again. There are times when people make stupid mistakes like proposing some stupid health insurance. But like I said, we touch the stove, it's hot, and we swear we won't ever do it again. Human beings learn, and that's why we need experience. Human beings learn, and that's why we are amazing.

So before we decide to change, we might want to be specific and consider all the Why-s and How-s. Is the change necessary? Is it worth it? How are we gonna do it? HOW ARE WE GONNA DO IT?

Finally, it is obvious that we need some ch-ch-ch-changes. We need to turn and face the strain. But we also need someone who can lead us to it. Someone who qualifies and is experienced. Someone who doesn't have to touch the stove because he/she had been there and done that.

posted on Feb 8, 2008 4:54 AM ()


Interesting article. I have a favorite prayer: " God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."
So what do I find I must change most of the time? Myself and my attitudes.

I can and do change my mind after careful and thoughtful contemplation. But I cannot make another person change his/her mind. So I accept people for who they are. I find I like most people. I avoid negative, bigoted, and hate filled people. I enjoy your blog

comment by jthoneydew on Mar 10, 2008 7:44 PM ()

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