Rara Rizal


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Life & Events > Can You Count?

Can You Count?

There are 3 (three) types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can't.

Well, I can't. I have 3 (three) exams tomorrow. Math. Turkish. Biology. And here I am, writing about people who can and cannot count.

People who count usually sees what's right in front of them. They sort and analyze things. They make calculations and predictions and expectations. They know what they want and why they want it. When you ask them "what are you gonna be 10 years later?" they'll give you a full-length presentation along with charts and graphs and statistics of melting polar ice caps. They are perfectionists. Control freaks. You open up their journals and you see timetables with lists of priorities. Good counting.

People who can't (don't) count on the other hand, don't know or don't wanna know what's up unless it bit em in the ass. They oversimplify and overgeneralize things. They're not exactly sure what they want. All they know is they want things to turn out generally and simply good, how we, i mean they get there doesn't seem to matter. They are sloven. Messy. They never bother going through details. You open up their journals and you-oh wait, they don't even have one!

I don't know if it's something genetic or inherited (I don't have the statistics or proofs from some studies carried out by scientists from the University of Neverland) but it's kind of obvious and you can sort of tell which kind of person they are once you get to know them.

When I was a little kid, I remember I had this friend whom I used to play with. I hated her. She was obsessive. She was that kid who counts how many candies of which flavors she has and what time is she gonna eat the strawberry ones. I was that kid who knew I had a handful of candies and was simply happy for it.

I don't know which kind of person is better than the other-I'm not one to say. But I know that if you're a 'counter' and you're happy with it, then that's good. If you're not a counter and you're fine with it, that's cool. Anything just as long as it suits you.

I have three (3) exams tomorrow. Math. Turkish. Biology. And here I am, amazed by how painfully awkward this article has turned out. I better stop counting.

posted on Feb 5, 2008 10:30 AM ()


You remembered all 3 exams -twice; that is organized! Hope all three went well. Good grief, TURKISH??
comment by baseeker on Feb 19, 2008 5:10 PM ()
I'm so sorry about the 3 exams. BEing a teacher I try very hard not to schedule mine on the same days as the other teachers, but sometimes, it can't be helped. Do well!
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 7, 2008 8:52 AM ()

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