Rara Rizal


Rara Rizal
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Run For Your Li(v)es!

Sports & Recreation > Tennis > Me, Myself, and Fortune Cookies

Me, Myself, and Fortune Cookies

I like to make my friends think that I have a superpower, that I can read their minds and predict the future, when all i do is say things that'll always hit home. Like when we were getting in line for lunch all of a sudden I told them "Honey, don't waste your time on every little detail, cause it's gonna ruin you. Just focus on the big picture, okay?" And a minute later when they were trying to decide whether to pick apple pie or pudding for desert, they knew I was right. I like to think of it as my way of showing that I care for them. I know, wicked, right? But that's the only difference between me and fortune cookies. Fortune. Cookies. Don't. Care!

But often times it troubles me when they come asking for advice way beyond my "power". Things that I can't answer just by reading their gestures. Questions like "my little sister just got hit by a land cruiser yesterday. Do you think she's gonna be okay? Will she be able to play tennis again?" I know they know that I can't answer, but they ask anyway. It's an act of desperation. We all do silly things when we're desperate to find out about something.

Speaking of desperation, I've a good one. I mean, a stupid one. Last night, leg#1 and leg#2 were finally in a better shape, but leg#1 was still giving me a hard time. But when I woke up this morning it feels a lot better. And because I was mad and desperate about missing my tournament next month, I did my very own act: I took it for a run. Yes, a run. I knew very well what my doctor told me: no run at least until I'm off meds.

Nothing really happened until now. I feel nauseated and tired and every inch of my body feels weak and wasted. I never feel nauseated and tired and weak and wasted before, not if you count chemistry exams. And what I did really feels like chemistry exams: ridiculous and totally way out of my league. It was totally stupid. Argh.

I called my tennis coach, and guess what she told me? "Honey, don't you ever do this again. You need to focus on the big picture, or else you're gonna ruin yourself." Yeah, that sounds familiar, Coach Stevens. And talk about eating your own words.

To my friends, I'm a Matt Parkman

Hey, Claire, wanna switch?

posted on Feb 18, 2008 8:53 AM ()


Heh.. Further study in Malaysia University, because I want to see your scars
comment by mustakim on Feb 23, 2008 6:01 PM ()
Don't rush it, you'll end up having to take a very long time to heal. You don't want to re-injure yourself.
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 20, 2008 8:04 AM ()
Hey! Patience, huh! -cool. Fortune cookie say: Read book now - tennis come OK later
comment by baseeker on Feb 19, 2008 5:32 PM ()
Listen to the doctor's advice and be your own fortune teller! I hope that you are feeling much better today.
comment by angiedw on Feb 19, 2008 2:49 AM ()
Ahh, Rara, that was not the wisest thing to do. You must give your body time to heal. Take care...
comment by sunlight on Feb 18, 2008 11:15 PM ()
It's kind of like telling 'yourself' off. I complete sympathy for you, I always ignore my own advice and end up paying for it in the long run. I ripped my knee ligament last April and through sheer desperation and ignorance I'm still getting pain. My advice is, listen to the doctors and coaches. I know how upset you must be feeling, the frustration eats away at you, but this feeling won't last forever. You 'will' play again. Just get better first.
comment by lynnie on Feb 18, 2008 2:32 PM ()
Yea, don't Push yourself or you will end up going backwards. Heal first, then start slow and build back up!
comment by ekyprogressive on Feb 18, 2008 12:56 PM ()
Let your body heal before you get too carried away.
comment by vladimir on Feb 18, 2008 9:50 AM ()

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