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Truth? - Good or Bad
Truth? - Good or Bad
John McCain gave a talk (speech) in poverty-ridden Appalachian Kentucky. Some people were actually awed, swayed, and/or impressed. But the majority were continuing to be dissuaded from McCain for one overriding reason; he spoke the truth out there. The truth of rights and corresponding personal responsibilities of becoming properly educated in order to work (and earn) a decent wage for things desired or wanted. And in direct conflict with his Dem-Lib counterparts, he did not promise womb-to-the-tomb government intervention and intrusion into one's personal life. Truth, that for 44 years the "war on poverty" has been an abject and total failure, 37% of the people living in this Kentucky region still live in poverty - three times the national average. The real truth, as stated by John McCain; jobs provided by the private sector in search of a profit will always eliminate poverty. Government give-away programs providing only to meet minimal needs, perpetuate the poverty cycle. And furthermore, democrat policies of high taxation and regulation on private sector business only serves to keep these jobs away from the people who need them the most. But never fail - "The People's Republic of China" most appreciates the democrat party for all of the "used to be American" jobs and incomes now helping them overtake our USA in all areas.
posted on Apr 26, 2008 8:20 PM ()
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