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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Big Election or Small?

Big Election or Small?

How about a "big idiot" like Dem-Lib editorialist E.J.Dionne calling the 2000 presidential election inconsequential. The country on the whole satisfied with Bill Clinton's presidency???? Just in what city or country was this EJ living in back then?? The U.S. economy was was on a steep down hill dive; the stock market, with the exception of the misnamed tech sector was already in the middle of a near crash. Worse, America's image as influential and powerful was at its lowest in this country's 220+ yr history - can you say sell military missile secrets to the Chinese???? EJ's big lie:"bush presented himself as far more moderate than he actually was, and even occasionally posed as the centrist inheritor of the Clinton legacy."This is almost true from a conservative's viewpoint, GWB has been much more "democrat party liberal" than Clinton ever was on many issues.
In 2000, AlGore lost the election because he was the most similar to today's Rev. Jeremiah Wright: taking one small "relevant" issue, and twisting it around and blowing it all out of proportion, to the point of extreme excess; to the point where most people are questioning of the mental state and capacities of the proposer; a :mind is a terrible thing to waste." And the voters - viewers - hate to see and/or hear a mind in that condition in the midst of a presidential election.
So of course Mr. Liberal Lite, John McCain is the beneficiary of democrat party discord and dissent.Which candidate, Hillary or Obama will be the best for republicans to successfully run against? Earlier on it was thought to be Obama, but now with all of the inter-party fighting and carrying ons, they are both even, regarding negatives higher than positives. John McCain does not really need a lot of democrat votes, just lots of democrats who stay home and do not vote for anyone.

posted on Apr 30, 2008 2:18 AM ()


Your only defense for GWB and his stooge McCain is to blame an administration out of power for seven years.Even then, the Republicans needed massive voter fraud to win anywhere.The unkindest con job of all is to paint GWB as a defender of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
God is gonna get you for that one.
comment by bumpedoff on Apr 30, 2008 2:56 AM ()

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