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Its About Time
Its About Time
A big HOOYAH to the U.S.Supreme Court for upholding the Indiana law requiring a legal, government issued, photo ID for eligibility to vote. Vote fraud has been on the rise for years in Indiana, especially in the Gary area. Now if only Illinois, and specifically neighboring Chicago would pass a similar law, real 100% election vote fraud could be put to an end. I am sure it would automatically mean a 25% decrease in democrat voters; no more dead people voting in 10 different precincts. The sanctity of our voting rights must be preserved and protected. For the people - all of the people - not just the 10% who are union members who are forced to perform and commit illegal voting for the democrat candidates at the coercion of the thug union bosses. Anymore in this day and age, whatever is good for those 10% who are union members, is at the expense of the 90% of American workers who are not union obligated.And never more so when it comes to the voting booth and the wallet.
posted on Apr 30, 2008 5:58 PM ()
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