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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Thomas Sowell - Right Again - as Always

Thomas Sowell - Right Again - as Always

"Our three candidates for president are being discussed in terms of their demographics - race, gender, and age." it does not seem that anyone anywhere is concerned with the momentous weight of responsibility that the office of president carries with it; and if any one of these three candidates are substantially qualified. Important issues such as nominating and appointing federal judges; the choices of - applying the laws of congress and the constitution, or judges who make their own social policies from the bench. "Change" which is not really change, but only a return to the failed social policies of the 1960's and the 1990's; protecting criminals, attacking business, increasing government spending, promoting a sense of envy and grievance, raising taxes on those people who are successful and productive producers; and subsidizing those who are not! In the not so distant past, this is what led us to 1960's double-digit inflation and double-digit unemployment; and the 1990's near collapse of the stock market and the entire U.S. economy. "Change' is good in many ways - "Who Ate My Cheese?" - but only if it is real "change" for the better - not just another return to proven failures,over and over, again and again. We the American people deserve much better than the three choices we now have before us. "Everything seems new to those too young to remember the old (past), and too ignorant of history to have heard (learned) about it."

posted on May 1, 2008 6:05 PM ()


I have always wished for a space on the ballot to vote for "None of the above," which, if it got the most votes, would throw out the entire election and start another campaign with none of "the above" being allowed to participate. I know it Sounds simplistic, but it would eliminate a lot of the really nasty mean people from the process. There might even be room for some smart people.
comment by thestephymore on May 21, 2008 2:41 AM ()
I don't completely understand American politics, to be truthful - what I, know is more what I have watched in the film (movies). With that thought in mind, from what I can comprehend, is that it is more, the Presidents 'staff', who run the show and more or less 'instruct' (rather than 'advise'), unlike our Prime Minister who is advised and then gives the governments decision to the Queen - who does, I believe, have the power to at least - critisize his decision. I think I may be tying myself up in knots here . . . I'm not too good with our politics either
comment by augusta on May 7, 2008 12:02 PM ()
Thought provoking blog. Thanks!
comment by jerms on May 3, 2008 10:15 AM ()
So you figure, in the past during down turns, the popular "New Deal" idea was to create government jobs, and they were temporary which meant they went away and we ended up back with those lost jobs? So here we have the latest stimulus, why have people even do anything productive, just give em money, does this work, hell no, maybe a temporary bump in consumer spending but when it's over, we're back a square one. One has to wonder when will politicians learn that long term economic health is based on market forces reving up the small business sector to stimulate growth?
Are there any creative minds in Washington, I doubt it, we only have two choices, and when the money flows to either party in power, they seem to go "brain dead" and follow the money.
comment by strider333 on May 3, 2008 9:22 AM ()
In the end, there isn't a lick of difference in these two parties...who ever is in power the money just reverses direction...forget ideology...we're all screwed, why blame the right or left...we're the fools...
comment by strider333 on May 2, 2008 10:42 PM ()
As I look Leftward through the history that I have lived I am staggered by the bizarre and unreformed nature of its players. Some 40 years after the fact we have socialist bombers teaching in our universities and declaring that they regret not having set more bombs and killed more innocent people (Lord hear my prayer). Just yesterday that political genius "Rosie" encouraged the pod people to meet in L.A. to re-enact the 68 convention. The madness never ends and reason never grips these people. The young will do the burning and bombing that's coming but it will be because old farts like these, who can't let go of their own irrational ideologies, rouse them to rage.
comment by think141 on May 2, 2008 6:39 AM ()
How true that is. I always enjoy Sowell.

When we started out this campaign with about 100 people running and debating, it was kind of exciting. I was hoping someone would bust out of that pack and become "great."

That didn't happen.

Every time I try and do a "John McCain ain't that bad" type editorial, the freaking guy says something that PROVES he is "that bad."

I'm not sure which of the three candidates will push further into socialism?

(When I figure that out, then I will know who NOT to vote for.)
comment by angryrepublic on May 1, 2008 7:37 PM ()

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