My ranting and raving for the week.
The first on my list deals with Barack Obama, and his campaign rhetoric crap-talk; "hope for the future-bring all people together." NOT; what a joke! How gullible can the average-idiot moron-democrat really be? Not one single word of substance; not one single word of HOW. Not one single word of CONSEQUENCES. Not one single word of FINANCIAL COSTS - that is, the overwhelming increase in taxes to be confiscated (stolen) from middle-class working Americans. Oh No; we only raise taxes on the very rich - like Clinton's Dems in 1993 - the richest 1%??? - families of four earning $25K-$30K? Of course!!!Rally the people to the cause??? Like lemmings going over the cliff - spare me, please. The best example coming to my mind is that of the Jim Jones religious sect, and the Grape Kool-Aid mass suicide. Another case of more democrat party "conservatism" continuously repeating and re-enacting the same proved to be failure programs, policies, and platforms.Just throw more money down the rat-hole, again and again, over and over. A few billion here and a few billion there and before long you are talking "real money."
Next on my list, the references to John McCain being a Dwight Eisenhower - there is no valid near-logical comparison. IKE, during his day and time, was more comparable to Barack Obama, not McCain. McCain's vision for America: "I don't really understand economics that well!" But, it is the economy STUPID!! Illegal immigrants being underpaid for our already low-paying manual labor jobs. Factories and manufacturing, and the jobs that go with them, moving overseas to our #1 enemy, China!! A George Bush revenge military action (WAR) in Iraq, uselessly draining away hundreds of billions of tax dollars, and thousands of young American lives.
Third, higher and higher gas prices due mostly to environmental wacko crazies preventing us as a country from drilling for our own crude oil, and also for stopping us from building more refineries. Yes, we are now importing almost 15% of our refined fuel (gasoline).
And my #1 economic cost to America complaint; ever higher and increasing "corporate taxes" - which are paid by the consumer (purchaser), in addition to state and local taxes, and Sales Taxes - all on "in America" companies, which is not imposed upon foreign companies - and therefore makes the foreign goods, products, and services so much cheaper - and thereby eliminating more "in America" jobs for American citizens! The question Obama could not answer because it is true - proven to be so every time it has been tried - higher taxes (tax rates) always equals less tax revenues coming in to the Treasury.