Well so far so good! Tickets are purchased - had to change the flights and dates around- We are all leaving April Th and my daughter and I are returning May Th - my son has to return May Th. But thats ok since he is not doing all that well in school right now! He is lucky he is still going with getting his last report card last week - 90's - 74! Not that good not that bad- at least he is not failing g- I just know he could improve if he just tried a little. So anyway - we "girls" get a break from the men after they leave!
I am almost finished raking the yard! What a workout- and I am so out of shape. I took a day off yesterday because I couldn't move my arms : ( So back out there I went today - pain or not I have to finish cleaning the yard. I don't like leaving something half done! It's looking good out there- I am so thrilled to see the plants start coming up! Spring is finally here- minus the little snow bank at the end of the driveway! I hope tomorrow I can get up and lift my arms- so I can finish the last hill! My hands hurt - blisters - but I can handle that! I am woman hear me roar!

So now all I need now is some luggage! That will be taken care of this week! My ex husband was going to go and then he changed his mind and now he called today and he is going on "business". He wants me to bring my son to him for a night or two - since he is going to a resort! Nice of him.........
Now all I have to worry about is $$- Not a problem, I do have a money tree outback!