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One Messed Up Life

Life & Events > Boring > Swiped from Elkhound Lover

Swiped from Elkhound Lover

1. Would you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your girlfriend
or boyfriend? She wouldn't have been a true friend if she did that! 

2. Where were you on your 17th birthday? That long ago- I have a hard time remembering last year - even if my 17th b-day was last year! lol 
3. Have you ever seen a live bat? Not that I can remember and  I think i would remember that- My brother use to try to upset me when we were little so I would run home- but I never did!
4. Is there anyone you hate? I do not use that word in my home! I would never "hate" anything or anyone. 
5. How much are you on the phone daily? My phone weighs too much - I am not a phone person!
6. Do you like the color orange? At Halloween!
7. Do you find it in your heart to forgive? Absolutely! It hurts you heart to hold hurt and anger too long!
8. Have you ever seen a prostitute? No
9. Have you ever seen a real redneck? I would say "yes" - me - but my friend Tab is a "true redneck" she has the shirt to prove it! lol 
10. Do you like tattoos and piercings? Yes I do! Tattoos - just not on myself 
11. What size shoes do you wear? 7

12. What’s your favorite season? Spring- ahhh the colors and smells are wonderful! I really love flowers and green grass - the smell of fresh cut grass!
13. Do you care if people talk smack about you? It hurts especially if they tell tall tales!
14. Do you like someone? Everyone - especially my children!

15. Does your dad call you a nickname? No just always called me Jamie Ann
16. Are you in a good mood? Yeah I am. : )

17. Do you think people will exist forever? Having issues with this one at the moment! I just don't know honestly.

18. What is your sign? Virgo

19. Do you believe in luck? No

20. Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump? I would really like to take thew chance and sky dive one day! But the problem is I am a chicken! I don't think i could JUMP!
21. Do you like snakes?NO - they make my skin crawl!

22. Where is one place you would like to visit?Hawaii

23. Do you like waffles? Food - me - yes I like everything!
24. Anything you are looking forward to? our family vacation in four days to Disney world! Cross my fingers that I can pull it off without problems!

25. What clothes are you wearing? pj's

26. Do you watch TRU TV? I never heard of it

27. Be honest, do you like people in general? No honestly not - I like to remain alone - I am too shy to get out there!

28. Big or small dogs? Neither

29. Do you like Big Macs? Too expensive - Double cheese burger with mac sauce- same thing just for a $1.00!

30. Did someone bother you today? No bothers

31. What do you think about death? I don't think of death really - god has that in his hands - I have no control over that!

32. Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else? No - then I would say I don't love my babies - i wouldn't wish to be anyone else but "D" and "K's" mom!
33. Does someone love you? They better!lol

34. Do you know anyone named Dave? A few Dave's

35. Name a friend whose name starts with an M?Mary

36. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? No - i only look like me!

37. Got any nicknames? Jamie the greatest - a joke that stuck!

38. What color is your hair? Gray and brown!

39. Do you like Starbucks? Dunkin's

40. Are you named after anyone? No

41. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? Most defiantly

42. How tall are you? I think I am 5'4"

43. Are you taller than your mom? we were about the same

44. Do you like the color blue? I love blue!

45. Who was the last person to send you an IM? Mary

46. Last restaurant you went to? Does Wendy's count!

47. What do you order at Outback Steakhouse? Never been!

48. How do you like your steak cooked? medium rare

49. Last voicemail you received? A call back for Tab!

50. What is the first thing you would do if you won five million dollars?

Give it to families in need - single moms - shelters ect. Money really ruins families - I should no!!

51. How many hours did you sleep last night? 6

52. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? no

posted on Apr 26, 2008 4:23 AM ()

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