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One Messed Up Life

Parenting & Family > Motherhood > My Heart and Soul - My Children

My Heart and Soul - My Children

I have been questioning my mothering "skills" for some time now. I have looked at myself in the mirror long and hard. I have sot out advise and received wonderful information. I just finished reading  "For the Mother's Soul"! I am truly thankful I did this. Sometimes life just just gets me down- and I think that I am worse off than I actually am.  So I can't afford to buy the "in" things for the kids, and some times I don't get the good snacks for them, or even the right drinks.  Lately every little thing they say and do sets me in a "mood". I don't like that feeling of just wanting to scream out! Things around my house have to be done "MY" way or its just not right. Cleaning the house usually comes first before anything- because what if someone stops over and sees a unmade bed or some dishes in the sink- the world would stop!
Yesterday I took "K" to the park. Just her and I alone. I sat for a few minutes watching her and thought- she looks so cute - lets make a memory. So I jumped up and pushed her on the tire swing and in return she did the same to me. But I almost laughed so hard I could have gotten sick! Her face was dirty but her smile was so bright! We went on the swings to see who could go higher - yes she won! We went down the slides and she made me go down the faster one! She showed me all her little tricks on her school play ground. I was so happy - she looked up at me and said"your the best mom"! I cried and she said those are happy tears, right? Oh yes they were-  My daughter may be spoiled but she has the BIGGEST heart that I have ever known. We talked on that playground - like I have never talked to her before. I hope she understood everything I said- if not than maybe a little!
Today we went to look at a new duplex. In the same town as my ex-husband. "D" was with his dad so I called him to tell him all about it- I told him where it was- a street down from his fathers. A few hours later he called me to tell me that him and his father went down to check it out. He said "mom its awsome - you won't have to buy as much gas now because I can walk to school".  I laughed - he does hear me when I say I can't bring him someplace because I have no money or gas.
Maybe it is me being too hard on thinking my children just don't understand. Sometimes things can be rough around here and I get stressed out. I talked to my children - a little (age appropriate) about how they had been acting. I think its working! They are who they are and thats the best gift god could have ever given me - MY CHILDREN!  I wouldn't trade them for my own life - they are the reason I wake up in the morning and they are my air I breathe!
I still need to work on boundaries and consequences for their actions! Tomorrow is a new day! And I am thankful for today!

posted on Apr 19, 2008 3:09 PM ()


comment by imaginaryfriend on Apr 22, 2008 8:30 PM ()
Thank You - that means alot to me!
comment by mytwoloves on Apr 22, 2008 9:53 AM ()
comment by walkwithgrace on Apr 21, 2008 9:54 PM ()
Beautifully done!! Loved reading this.
comment by jerms on Apr 21, 2008 8:50 AM ()
Everyday is a new day! I now see where I went wrong- but I hope to learn something everyday! Thank You
comment by mytwoloves on Apr 20, 2008 4:45 AM ()
Beautiful tribute to your children as well as to you. You remind me of myself--obsessing about the house. Why do we do that? My mother always said that cleanliness is next to Godliness, but I think that the memories you are making with your children are much closer to Godliness, don't you?
comment by angiedw on Apr 20, 2008 2:11 AM ()
The greatest gift for children is to know they are loved...and you certainly appear to have provided that, and what a truly great gift it is...I like your part about making memories...keep making them and they'll remember you forever...best of wishes Jamie
comment by strider333 on Apr 19, 2008 10:06 PM ()
You are a great Mom. Listening to your children is the most perfect gift you can give them. I learned a long time ago (mine are 44 and 39 now) that they will remember fun time spent with you and never recall a time when the bed was not made or there were dishes in the sink. They grow up so fast; enjoy the time you have with them.
comment by gapeach on Apr 19, 2008 5:20 PM ()
comment by ocean1 on Apr 19, 2008 3:27 PM ()

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