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One Messed Up Life

Travel > Headache over Vacation Planning

Headache over Vacation Planning

Man I didn't really think planing a vacation could be so stressful! ahhhhh Plans are changing the number of people are changing and to top it all off the airlines are having problems! Two airlines are grounded right now and the other airlines jacked up their airfare! What a mess! And now I am handling all 5 yes five airplane tickets! This is just nerve wracking- I have promises being made to my children from their grandmother that are just "out there" to say the least! And now I'll have to come up with more money just to make all those promises happen!  Their grandmother has only good intentions but I am sorry she is in lala land most of the time! Don't misunderstand me she is a wonderful grandmother but sometimes I just want to scream! We never seen eye to eye and now its even worse if thats even possible. My children can't wait to get on the plane- and today I was so upset I was ready to just stay home and not bother going down there. Can I really keep my mouth shut long enough down there to keep the peace- oh I hope and pray I am able to pull this off without another family war! Yet another dilemma I gained so much weight over the last six months that none of my last years shorts hit me! hahahaha It just couldn't get worse right now! I need to take a breath and calm down and "breath". Really I have plenty of time - but I like things in order. I hate procrastinators and I like things done and done right. I guess thats another fault of mine - I like things done my way or no way! I just don't like waiting for the last minute to accomplish something. OK I know I can do this - for my children! Things will get better the closer our take off date gets to us!

posted on Apr 11, 2008 6:53 PM ()


Wow. The gas prices are really affecting the airlines--many have had to bite the dust. So, it doesn't surprise me at all about the price hike. Even though you are venting here and sound perplexed, I can tell that you have things under control, for that is the type of person that you seem to be. Things have a way of working out. I hope that your trip is enjoyable and stress free.
comment by angiedw on Apr 11, 2008 7:19 PM ()

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