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One Messed Up Life

Life & Events > A Bit Rushed

A Bit Rushed

Four more days til we take off for Disney! I have had at least three weeks and I am still not ready! Yikes! This is just not like me -I don't like to procrastinate but I feel I am right now. Really there is not much left to to but its weird that I am waiting around not taking care of it! At least "D" went through all his shorts to see if any still fit- I am lucky there because he has at least six pair- he would have more but he thinks some are not long enough - which they are! I myself do not consider shorts that go down to your ankles "shorts".  I will take care of "K" today!
"K" went over a friends house Wednesday to go swimming - and never returned to Friday! She was having so much fun that she didn't want to come home. They hadn't seen each other much for a few months - we are always on the go and I was being selfish, and I do feel bad about it! She missed her little friend too much and that will never happen again! They went swimming,out to eat, Wal Mart and the best part was they had fun together! We will find time from now on!
My friend came home from North Carolina! Wow that was a long time - lol what three weeks! They were suppose to move down there and it ended up not a good situation! So they packed up up the car and headed back! I am so happy to have her home- she looks great! Russell grew so much - she is five months pregnant! They are at my house for a bit- her hubby doesn't start back at his job til Monday - and now they need to find a home. Not a issues one little bit- I love having her here - yup even her dog! They are all respectful and kind and it doesn't bother me any. And I usually like my home empty and to myself- but I am loving this! I am glad they are here and I wish they could stay forever! But they can stay here worry free until the get on their feet! AT least they will have fourteen days alone while I am in vacation!
So the countdown is really on now! Four days- until "no computer"! Ahhh that is going to be difficult for me! lol So I won't be checking in for at least fifteen days - I sure will miss everyone!

posted on Apr 26, 2008 2:53 AM ()

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