So I wanted to write this because I have gotten some e-mails wondering why I Blog here or there, why I post his here but not there or there but not here, why I continue to blog at blogster or how could I leave blogster and there are answers to all of these questions. So here goes.
Most of you know I started blogging for my business, to increase the flow of traffic to my sites, sites I affiliate with and in general to make more money.
I found blogster because it allowed adult blogging and much of what I wanted to blog about was adult oriented then blogster was bought by MyBloggers’s own, Eddie and is friend. Well they changed it so it no longer offered adult which pissed me off but unfortunately I was already in love with blogster. So I stayed and settled for a link to my group site.
Then this friend of dear Eddie’s told me I contribute nothing to the community and was only there for business reasons which was untrue since this accusation came six months AFTER the adult area had been taken down. I can remember a specific blog that related nose size to penis size which featured members of the community………that though is water under the bridge now.
Since he was such a Nazi about anything sexual my blog over there got pretty bland because I was afraid to lose my blog there NOT because of my business but because I liked blogging there and the people there. I mean seriously do you think arguing with Joe or cha wha wha does anything for my business? In fact it is kinda bad for business because I am submissive and many of my callers feel submissive women should be mindless automatons with no opinion of their own therefore it kinda turned them away. They do not get they can punish me for my opinions.
So anyway when the new blogster took over an people were getting banned, particularly gay men I was a little leery about posting anything provocative and couple that with the thieving TOS I felt I could only post on community issues, other peoples partial articles and general net freebies. I figured they would not appreciate anything sexual what so ever in spite of the fact sex in natural normal and my life is steeped in it! Not to mention I would not post so much as a damn craft because at the time they could have stolen it. Yes I have actually posted crafts and a couple recipes I think.
So then along comes MyBloggers. I believe I was the first to find it then Johnny and East Kentucky. So I was searching for a crazy lady from blogster. She kept posting for blogster to remove her damn name from Her blog as if she could not herself because SHE posted her personal information and never bothered to think “maybe since I am a corrections officer I should not do this because, hey, one of these criminals might come and shank me when they get out†So I searched her name and , by the way, it is all over the internet where she has put up her address, what a lunatic. Anyway, right up there on top of the Google search was a blogsite I did not know actually getting SEO hits and low and behold there was a familiar picture! Eddie!
So after talking to him and knowing him from the old blogster (and liking him very much) I joined and found mybloggers to be everything Blogster once was. The very thing everyone still at blogster wanted back. I found home! I told East Ky to tell him but someone beat me tooo it and soon our secret was out!
So then the trouble makers at blogster had to put down mybloggers in every was possible one NOTED female trouble maker referring to it as Sleazy and putting down everyone who was here while simultaneously swearing never to join. (unfortunately she has proven her word to be as good as doggy poo) It was pretty sickening when they were not even members here at the time.
Now, because of this because of the mass exodus to mybloggers from blogster and those who have stayed the two sites have become very different in both the types of blogs posted and the type of people that blog at each.
It is because of these differences and my love of both blog spaces that I stay at both. I have my own personal mission statements for each blog.
MyBloggers: I am on the ground floor and I hope to help mybloggers to become a mature, successful blogsite where everyone regardless of race color or creed can express their opinions without fear of psychological terrorism.
Blogster: I will stubbornly remain knowing my very presence will prevent something I loved from becoming a fundamentalist Christian propaganda site and perhaps I will eventually get to see the new owners dream of what they hope Blogster to be realized.
So everyday I sit down and write seven to ten blogs. When they are done I pick which blogs they are most appropriate on. Too much sex, my personal site or adultspace, a little less, vixen blogs, a little less than that blogspot, hardly any mybloggers, non- and controversial blogster or mybloggers. I think I blog about thirty places total for different reasons and to different audiences so my days are pretty full.
You want to know the strangest thing though? The ONLY place I experienced the level of hate and intolerance I do at blogster is well, Blogster.
In fact the only reason I write at MyBloggers and blogster is my love for each site
Now you know why.
Wait! Wait! Wait!
The reason I post different blogs at each site is because of SEO. Google does not spider duplicate articles! There all done!
LOL, now you really know!