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News & Issues > Child Pornography and the DC Madame

Child Pornography and the DC Madame

Child Pornography and the DC Madame

So I was watching this comedian Doug Stanhope, who while is very crass and not for everyone makes some very good points in his show. I would suggest you all check him out if you like stand up. Anyway the point he made that hit home with me was he quoted, I believe our Attorney General, who said, “the internet is Rampant with child pornography” He then when on to say that he is a porn surfer, basically to the umpteenth power and he has NEVER seen kiddie porn, ever. He then makes a list, granny porn, pee, animals, balloons, girl on girl , boy on boy 2-liter bottles, and that he even ran into cock fingering(inserting finger into pee hole) twice but never child pornography. Then he says so this would mean that if child pornography is rampant on the internet then there must be people in the audience currently practicing cock fingering.

So the point is, does it exist? Maybe but I can say in all of my porn surfing both for myself and work, and let me tell you that is a lot of porn surfing, I have never , ever run into anything resembling child porn. Even the teen sites are ADULTS. The only thing I ever saw was a legit modeling site for children that was yanked because it was underwear modeling, non nude but was still disturbing, very disturbing. You can thank the ADULT sex workers for having that taken down.

What people do not seem to get particularly those without a computer connection or who never looked at porn(yeah right I do not believe you) is that that shit is underground even here. You have to have the desire to see that shit and probably the fat cash to see it not to mention some kind of sicko hook up and the average Joe is not gonna find it. Hell even the average weirdo porn surfer will not find that. We the people who surf are the bulldogs of our own internet, enforcing the laws and reporting, we police our own shit and if we find a sicko site with a kid on it you can best believe any blogger here will be on the phone to the FBI, myself included.

So is “Child Porn Rampant on the Internet” hell no! The freakos hide on the internet in their little dank holes just like they do in the real world because we will roast their asses and maybe worse on the internet than the real world we still have vigilante justice. They say this shit to get the lambs to follow, the sheep with no computer or who for whatever reason have never searched porn.

Now for this DC Madame crap. You bet I believe she got offed. No question and I seriously doubt you have be a conspiracy theorist come to that conclusion. You fuck around with any politician and you could wind up taking a dirt nap. If you have any self preservation instincts you do not do what she did on any level. Never put yourself in that kind of position. I do not believe that Marylyn Monroe committed suicide and what about the trail of bodies left by Mr. Clinton and the Monica thing and in other such situations. This freaky sex thing is not limited to Republicans nor is offing someone too keep your secret. Many both republican and Democrat have exercised that power, power corrupts.

posted on May 5, 2008 6:02 AM ()


The news is claiming that she didn't want to go back to jail... allegedly.. I am all about conspiracy. I am sure there is one. somewhere someplace.. just not here.
comment by spicybitch on May 8, 2008 10:01 PM ()
People in the adult industry are some of the most active fighters against child porn, from what I've noticed. Stupid Attorney General.
comment by drmaus on May 7, 2008 12:04 PM ()
She was definitely offed if you ask me. As probably the other suicide from her organization was as well, just before having to testify. Randall Tobias and David "likes it in Diapers" Vitter was probably all the scandal they wanted. Yea, it is a both party thing, but the really odd crap or the illegal/pedophile crap seems to mostly come from the right, from what I read. If people would care more about policy than who someone sleeps with or how they like it done though, we would have much different characters in office. This country is just too hung up on sex...
comment by ekyprogressive on May 6, 2008 11:04 AM ()
What the heck do you do with a balloon? Or should I ask??? I agree with you that it's underground, and I too believe that the DC Madam knew too many folks for her own good. Somebody high up got scared she was going to say something..
comment by elfie33 on May 6, 2008 10:33 AM ()
I totally concur that the DC madame was offed. I REALLY hope they don't sweep it under the rug, but I bet anyone who looked into it would be threatened to the max, ya know?
As for the child porn, never looked for it but it's awesome to hear that you all police your sites and look out for it.
comment by kristilyn3 on May 5, 2008 6:34 PM ()
Those jerks would hide. I'm telling you if someone had ever touched one of my kids...the mama lioness would definitely come out in me.
comment by teacherwoman on May 5, 2008 4:09 PM ()
I believe the same thing Holly about the DC madame and Marilyn Monroe. From the first time I heard about the DC madame I didn't think that it was suicide. Also, when I was old enough to really think about it I felt the same about Marilyn Monroe too. You will probably laugh but I don't know as I have heard of Doug Stanhope. Hope you are having a pleasant evening.
comment by texastar on May 5, 2008 2:42 PM ()
I must be naive or something. A finger up the penis? This is FUN?? Man! I tell you Holly, after I just READ that, I had a hard time standing up!!!!!!That must hurt like all hell!
comment by hayduke on May 5, 2008 9:28 AM ()
Doug Stanhope is the man and you are right, I have never seen Child Porn, and I am an aficionado of adult websites.
comment by jtruant on May 5, 2008 6:05 AM ()

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