News on Johnny, we talk on the phone and the computer. I am not gonna say much on that topic right now because it is very long and drawn out but I will get to it, eventually. I am still trying to catch up my to speed on it but am behind by several weeks! Arrg. This week though looks like it will be spent here, home for now, and will be kind of sedate compared to these last several days. We have just one show and that will be Wednesday and it is private. It is strange to be so close to home but not at home.
So, because of my MyBloggers neglect I figured I would drop off some banners
I would like to write another blog here today but I first need to work on other blogs and websites then I can hopefully come back!
*psst Elky and Jenn I have some banners coming that I amde for you guys but I am trying to get them out in order, oh yeah, and you too martin!
So here are the banners as usual I will first start with flags


On a side note I wanted to say that I get my ideas, patterns, from many, many places on the internet and I credit these people and places on my graphics website in hopes you will give them a visit too!