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Hobbies & Games > Today's Post is Brought to You by the Letter 'G'

Today's Post is Brought to You by the Letter 'G'

So I have to do the letter G, huh?


1. MyBloggers - My favourite place to blog. Then again, I guess this is my only blog... so it's a favourite by default, isn't it? Although I have blogged in a few different places in years past, and never enjoyed it quite as much as I do here, so I guess MyBloggers is my favourite place to blog after all.

2. Garcon - My 'pet' name for J. I've never been one to call my partner hun, or sweetie, or dear, or love. Not that I'm opposed to it, but it just doesn't roll off my tongue in a natural way. So instead I call him garcon, and he calls me "mes fils" - even though I believe it should be mon fils, I'll never correct him. :)

3. Grapes - My favourite healthy treat. I like to put them in the freezer after I wash them, so they're nice n' crisp. If I wanted to go for a double G, I'd say green grapes are my fav treat... but then I'd be lying. I really prefer the red ones. I also enjoy grapes when they're rotten, mashed, and served in crystal stemware.

4. Games - I love playing all kinds games. Especially board games. Cranium, Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture, Seinfeld Scene It, Scrabble, Chess, Cards... or well, any games really. This G list is kind of like a game.

5. Gardening - I used to really enjoy gardening back when I had a yard. I've tried having a balcony garden, but it always sucks. Some day I'll have my green thumb again.

6. Garlic - Looove garlic. I put it in just about everything I cook, even if the recipe doesn't call for it.

7. Green - Not the colour, but something I've always tried to be. Which ties into...

8. Greenpeace - One of my favourite charities which I've supported for over ten years - and also had a really brief stint working for as a canvasser. (Brief because the only thing I hate more than people coming to my door looking for money, is being the one going door to door - and therefore, I wasn't very good at meeting my quota.)

9. Gilmer - The last name of one of my oldest and closest friends. I've known her since kindergarten, and hope to know her until I'm old and grey.

10. Goals - Goals are very important to me. I think to some degree they always has been since I was a kid in school striving for A's (not that I always got them). According the Myers-Briggs personality type assessment I'm very achievement-oriented. At first I didn't like that analysis because it made me think that I sounded like a competitive snob or something - but I've come to understand that it's more a personal inner thing than a competitive outer thing... and so I'm okay with that.

11. Go - What I just realized that I've got to do right now.

12. Good timing - Wasn't it?

posted on Jan 16, 2009 6:12 PM ()

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