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Life & Events > Best of Intentions

Best of Intentions

This morning I got up early.


Because J had to go to work today, and so he got up early. And like I've mentioned before, it's always easier to pull my lazy ass out of bed when I know J is getting up too (mainly because I want him to turn off that breezy fan before I hop out of the cozy covers.)

Actually, that might be a bit of a lie. Most weeks as he gets ready for work, I continue lying cuddled in bed, begging forgiveness and rationalizing my contribution to the household, "I'm sorry.... but remember, I fry it in the pan!"

Our ongoing joke is that he brings home the bacon and I fry it in the pan - because even though he works on Thursdays, I do all the cooking throughout the week, which easily adds up to more than 8 hours. (Although, lately he's been making our lunches - the same thing every day - toasted tomato and cheese sandwiches with soup... not that I'm complaining. I haven't gotten sick of them yet. I actually quite like them... they're like simple comfort food.)

Anyhow, the truth is J doesn't mind going to work on Thursdays, except for the fact that it interrupts the writing flow. Otherwise, it shakes up routine and gets him out of the house.... and besides that, he does have it pretty good. For the most part, his job description entails drawing cartoons all day, with the occasional website mock up. He gets to zone out to music while he draws. He goes for coffee breaks with his friends. He feels like a celebrity because everyone is always so happy to see him whenever he comes in. And, best of all (for him) it gives him something to tease me about, because he knows that I do feel kinda bad that he has to work. Especially since it was my idea to continue doing contract work... until I got offered a sh*t deal and backed out. For the record, J wasn't offered a sh*t deal. (Possibly because I stood up for myself and quit before they finalized his contract... At least I like to think that had something to do with it.)

Oh well, I had the best of intentions. I planned to keep working... but instead of bringing home the bacon, I now just fry it in the pan.

So. Yes... when I started this post, those weren't the best intentions I had in mind. Where I was originally going with this was the fact that I got up early today. Yes-sir-ee.

And what did I plan to do with these two extra hours in my day?

Well, I planned to finally do some yoga. My friend gave me his Yoga DVD quite a while ago and so far I've only used it once.

So after J left for work, I got into comfy clothes, and popped in the DVD. Nothing.

Crap. How do I work this stupid thing?

Our much-used DVD player packed it in last month, so we decided to just upgrade to a blu-ray. (Although I have to wonder if J intentionally busted the DVD player, because he's been chomping at the bit to buy a blu-ray for months. Hmm.... suspicious, no? Of course, he spent a good two hours cursing and trying to fix the DVD player, so I will choose to believe that it was not an act of sabotage, and just pure luck on his part.)

Anyhow, I've never held that blu-ray remote since it entered this house almost a month ago - with the exception of when I tidy the coffee table. Then I just pick it up and immediately set it back down. Okay, so I guess what I should really say is that I've never actually pressed any of its colourful little buttons.

So, we now have 4 remotes, and with each new addition to the entertainment family, the sequence of how all our grand technology cooperates seems to alter.

One remote is for the TV. You use it to turn the TV on.

Another is for the stereo tuner/receiver thingy. You use it to turn the stereo on and to control the volume.

The third is for the VCR. You use it to change channels on the TV.

And the fourth is for the blu-ray... and I have no idea how the hell it works.

I called J's cell at work. No reply. Hmm... he's probably having coffee with his buddies or signing autographs in the lunch room.

I had the best of intentions to do yoga today. Really, I did. But it just didn't happen.

So instead, I decided to go out for a run.... or at least a brisk walk.

While the weather is "relatively" warm here at -1'C (especially compared to what they're getting out East. I heard it was -48'C in Winnipeg yesterday. WTF?!?), we do however have fog that is as thick as smoke in a Quebec night club. (Or at least back when I used to frequent them. Have the smoking laws changed in Quebec yet? I know that province has always prided itself on being a little different.) Speaking of smokey clubs... the other day I was remembering back when I used to be a smoking dancer (not that I had smokin' dance moves - although I liked to think so - but I used to smoke while I was dancing... now I do neither. I don't smoke and rarely ever get to dance), and anyhow, I wondered how many people I must've unintentionally burned with the end of my cigarette on those crowded dance floors? I seem to recall it happening to me a few times, and I know I have probably done it to others. I feel kinda bad about that now. What a stupid thing... smoking and dancing in a crowd. Well, live and learn, right?

Now, where was I?

Oh yeah, so the fog was so thick this morning (and still is) that it changed the entire landscape. I couldn't see the mountain two blocks down the street. And those fancy million dollar homes that so proudly look down on the valley below as if to say "maybe if you worked just a little harder" were now completely erased. It had a spooky effect... but kinda cool all the same.

So yeah, I got all dressed, cranked my tunes, and headed outside for my run.

I didn't get too far before I realized that it's kinda icy out. So I did more of a quick shuffle than a run... but hey, it was something. And it sure felt good to get out of the house, despite all the noticeable dog doo-doo and yellow snow adding colour to the path.

After about an hour or so, I returned home, warm but feeling really energized. I checked the phone for messages - nothing. As soon as I hung up, J called with instructions on how to turn on the blu-ray. I have to put the stereo remote to DVD, and then on the TV remote I have to click the Source button a few times until it connects to the proper source. (Interesting how using the blu-ray machine has nothing to do with using the blu-ray remote. Well, except maybe pressing "play".)

Good to know for next time. But I don't think I'm gonna be doing any yoga today. I had the best of intentions, but now it's too late. I think I'll get my stretches when I mop the kitchen floor, sweep out the laundry/kitty litter room, vacuum all the rooms, clean my tub, do a load of laundry, and just tidy around the house. And then, maybe then after all that, I'll get to work on the script. I would like to finish editing the last 40 pages today. (Which takes much longer than it sounds.) At least I have the best of intentions to.

Of course, I also had the best of intentions to keep this post short. :P

posted on Jan 15, 2009 11:05 AM ()

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