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Life & Events > Meme 2009

Meme 2009

Okay, so maybe I should've written this post at the end of the year, but heck, it's still January, so I think I can get away with it.
I believe this was stolen from Jondude in 2008, but I really enjoyed filling it out, so I want to do it again. :) (I think you should too, if you haven't done one for 2009 already....)
Here we go...
Mellowdee's "Bests" of 2009:
1. Book, Fiction
-TIME TRAVELLER'S WIFE by Audry Niffenegger
In 2007, I overheard some producers at the Toronto International Film Festival discussing how they had just begun production on the film. I mentioned this to a friend, who then lent me her copy of the book.
Well, I tell ya, that thing sat around our place for a good two years, until I finally decided to crack the spine as part of my goal to read at least 10 books last year. (I actually read 20.) I also figured that I should read it before I saw the film. (Which I enjoyed - but loved the book better, of course.)
Anyhow, IMHO, what a perfectly wonderful book! It stuck with me for about two days after I had finished. For some reason, I absolutely fell head over heels in love with Henry and Claire, and wished I could've spent another 500 pages with them.

2. Book, Nonfiction
Okay, so I'm probably the last person in the world to read this book. But just in case I'm not... I'm telling you, READ THIS BOOK! I could not put it down! In fact, I ended up pouring through it in a single day. I finished the last page just before I turned out the light... and then promptly cried myself to sleep. Gawd, what an amazing, beautiful, heart-wrenchingly touching book. Read it. Read it. Read it. And I dare you not to cry.
3. Music, Album
-FLEET FOXES - self-titled
Fabulous album. Just beautiful. Although I joke that half their songs are about "brother coming down from the mountain". Ha.
But really, for a group of boys in their early 20's, they're really doing something different than all the other shit that's out there. Their music has a real 70's vibe, with undertones of the Beach Boys and maybe a dash of Neil Young. They describe their sound as "baroque harmonic pop jams". Simply lovely.

4. Motion picture
I can't believe I chose that as my fav movie. I KNOW there were other movies that I loved so much more, but I'm drawing a complete blank at the moment, and this is the only one coming to mind. Strange. That being said, I guess I'm gonna have to put it down in this slot for the time being.
I think I enjoyed it because good comedy is so hard to pull off, but I really enjoyed this one quite a lot. I still crack up at the thought of the main character, Peter, trying to freestyle some hip slang that comes out all awkward, like "Totes Magoats". Ha ha ha.
Oh yeah, I also saw SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE last year, and enjoyed it tremendously. Probably still not my favourite flick of the year, but I think it comes close enough. :)
Actually, I'm also going to add another related topic to the Meme...
5. Best Documentary
It's a tie!
Although it came out in 2008, I only got to see it (twice) last year. It's about a seniors choir who travel around performing modern music, including hard rock and punk. Such a heartwarming film. There are definitely a few parts that will leave a real lump in your throat. So touching!

Canadian metal band, Anvil, while highly respected among their more successful peers, reached their modest peak in the early/mid 80's. Flashfoward 20 years, and they're still hoping for their big break with music that hasn't evolved with the times. A story of lifelong friendship (and mutual delusion), the band gets stuck doing crappy gigs, getting ripped off, and desperately trying to pitch their latest album.
Gawd, this movie made me laugh! HARD! Unfortunately all my laughter was at their expense (as they're a real couple of oddball characters).... but hey, at least they're finally getting their fame as a result of the doc's success! And for that, I'm truly happy for them. While their tunes may not be my cup o' tea, no one deserves the recognition more. These boys (er...middle-aged men) have certainly paid their dues. A definite must-see!!

6. TV series
I don't why we even have cable since we rarely ever watch TV. (Yes, yes, I'm one of *those* types... so what? I've got better things to do with my time.) However, I am a huge Larry David fan, so we have my BIL PVR Curb Your Enthusiasm for us...which was especially great this season with the Seinfeld cast reunion. We still haven't gotten around to watching the rest of the season which ended a couple months ago... but we'll see it eventually, and I'm sure we'll love it.
Okay, okay... actually, I will admit that I do watch *some* TV. I'm not that much of a boob toob snob. When we eat breakfast, Jim n' I like to watch the Hot Topics segment on The View. Ha! I can't believe I just admitted that. *blush* Call it our guilty pleasure. But to quote Joy Behar, "Who cares? So what?" ;)
7. Political event
- I could say a few things about our Conservative Prime Minister Steven Harper, who still can't get his shit together, and is therefore prorouging parliament yet AGAIN. I could also say something about our Liberal Premier Gorden Campbell, who plans to introduce the HST to BC. But those two things are happening in 2010. So, instead what I really should say is that I feel lucky to live in a country that grants me the opiton to vote for a minority party and the right to bitch if I want to. So that's something... ;)
Hmm... I guess the only neat political event that comes to mind was our city's recent vote for our local councillors. And while I initially wondered if he might be too young, I have to admit that was very impressed with the open minded people of K-town who elected our youngest counsillor ever - a 19 year old!!
While he got a good round of teasing and an initiation of diapers and a pacifier from the older folk on council, it sounds like they do respect him as so far he's proven to be up to task, and is really breathing some fresh life into things with a new perspective. Pretty cool.
8. Food event
- The first that springs to mind is when my pal H came through town with her mom on her 30th birthday. We did a quick tour of K-town and visited Summerhill winery, where we bought some fabulous organic Gewurztraminer. (Soooo good. It's no wonder it's their biggest seller.) Then we stopped at a fruit stand and got some delicious Bing cherries (the bright red kind), Rainier cherries (they're yellow with a slight blush), and some blueberries. Next, we headed off to the goat farm and bought a selection of cheeses (and enjoyed a little gelato while there). Combine that with some fresh bread, crackers, and olives, and we had ourselves a wonderful little meal! Oh, and don't forget the DQ ice cream cake for dessert! Yum!

9. Another Food event
- For my sister's birthday, I spent days (WEEKS, even!) making her a scrap book of all my fav recipes. Then, when I went home to visit in March, my Sis, Dad and I cooked a few of the appys in the book together.
It was a lot of fun and a nice bonding experience. I believe we made the avacado-mango salsa, fig and almond brie, spinach dip in a sourdough bread bowl, and what I call "BEST" bruschetta (divine!)... I can't remember if there was something else that is slipping my mind? Oh well... It was the memory of the moment that matters more than the food itself - even though it was the preparation of the food that brought us together.
10. Best visitor(s)
- I would definitely have to say when one of my oldest and bestest pals, H, and her mom passed through town on their "Wild West" roadtrip last summer. I haven't really spoken too much to Mrs. G since we were teenagers, so it was kinda neat to get to know her as an adult. What a great lady! It's easy to see why she has such great daughters. (H has two sisters who I'm also friends with.) Plus, it was very awesome to celebrate my best friend's 30th with her!
11. Best accomplishment
- Getting producers!! The first half of the year was all about trying to find some producers who believed in us. The second half was all about working with them to start bringing our project to life. Honestly, for a couple of nobody's like us, getting producers was almost less an accomplishment and more of a miracle. Ha!
Ask. Believe. Recieve. Right?
12. Best party
- Does NYE for 2010 count? We left shortly after 2010 started, so since most of the party technically happened in 2009, I think it should!
J n' I attended a special event at our local community theater, which was apparently ranked as one of the top ten most unique NYE parties in Canada. Coolio! :)
They transformed the entire theater into a Midnight in New Orleans Mardi-gras theme party. Four great bands played in different rooms - mostly jazz and blues. There were all kinds of decorations and visual projections, including a nifty "light-hearted" red light district backstage. They handed out masks, feathers and sticky jewels, as well as fabulous gourmet appies. And the bevvies were cheap n' plenty. Best of all, it was just me and mon garcon among a crowd of about 400 people. So. Much. Fun!

13. Best sport event
- Ummm.... I'm not "into" sports. Sounds like a crime, I know. It's not that I don't respect athletes or anything. I totally do!! They work and train very, very hard and I think that's great. They've got fabulous passion n' drive, and really deserve to be cheered on. I just personally can't be bothered to watch 'em compete.
And just to be controversial, I'll also add that I couldn't care less that the Olympics are taking place right next door in Vancouver.
There. I said it.
I'm very proud of the atheletes from *every* nation. I just doubt that I'll tune in.
So, no... all that confessed, I have no best sporting event for '09, except maybe beating J at a game of air hockey, if that counts? It's about as sporty as I get.
Oh wait, J and I also went tubing up at Big White. Is tubing a sport? Isn't it almost like the luge? *LOL*

14. Best of the Best for all year!
- Damn. I don't know? I guess going into Development with DE. That probably has to be the best of the best. Watching all our hard work and dreams pay off and become a reality. Yeah... I suppose not much can beat that. :)

posted on Jan 16, 2010 1:10 PM ()

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