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Life & Events > Janet K Says Hello

Janet K Says Hello

You remember her. You know that punk rock mamma with the three kids that most of you simply couldn't get enough of? The one with the foul mouth who loved porn and MJ?

Right. That's the one.

Well, you may (or may not be) interested to know that I had a wonderful three hour chat with her on the phone the other night. (I know, I know! Imagine! Me on the phone for that long. And I dare say that I'm not a phone person.)

It was great to hear her voice. It has been too long! Actually, it really has been too long. I haven't physically spoken to Janet since I was in the 8th grade. We reunited on FB a couple years ago, mended old fences, and then became blogging buddies (on top of our ridiculously long emails that we'd write back n' forth on an almost daily basis.)

Janet doesn't have the internet anymore. (In case you didn't figure that out...) But back in October, she sent me a quick note from her mom's place with her phone number so we could keep communication going. Yes, it has taken me 2.5 months to finally call the girl... which I felt tremendously guilty about. But, wouldn't you know Every. Single. Time. I had intended to call her, my plans were hijacked by something else.

Anyhow, like I was saying, we had a great chat, and I'm sure she won't mind if I provide a quick summary of what she's been up to over this last year.

* Like most of you would expect, she was obviously devastated by MJ's death, but thought it was so kind of everyone who contacted her to send their condolences. Honestly, she's the only person I knew who still openly loved Michael even when everyone else in the world was calling him a pedophile.

* She's continues to be happily in love with Don, who is still living in the U.S. for the time being. Maybe they'll get something figured out eventually so he can move to Canada... or maybe not. Either way, they're making it work.

* Things got much worse with Rock, but they're since gotten better. Much better. While he still loves his freedom, he really has become a caring father to those kids again. She thinks the death of his grandfather, who he was incredibly close to, might've had something to do with it.

* There have been many more problems with her youngest one, Michael. I know Janet-style is to let it all hang out. But in case you couldn't tell, I'm not Janet. So I won't disclose what the issue is, because it's not my place to say. So far Michael has been "identified" but not "diagnosed" with something. (When I speak to her again, I'll ask her permission. By then he should be properly diagnosed.) At the very least, she is relieved that they have a name for it. Now they can start moving forward and getting help. She's also been told that one child like Michael is the equivalent to three kids. So essentially, our dear friend Janet is a single mother of 6.

* The other two girls are both doing very well, and have been wonderful big sisters to their little bro and understanding of his challenges. She really is blessed with those two.

* There have been a few other bumps in the road, as well as a couple miracles, and overall she is feeling stronger and more capable than ever before. She has really grown in this past year and has realized that "Yes, I can do this!"

So yeah, that's where she's at. Thought you might like to know. :)

She also asked about all of you and if there was any MyBloggers gossip to share. Unfortunately, I haven't been around here much, and only made a recent return to MyBloggersville, so I didn't have any juice for her. She was curious if MyBloggers was now a porn site, because those were the rumblings that were going on way back when she left. She was disappointed to hear that it wasn't. *LOL*

Even if she eventually gets the internet again, Janet doesn't know if she'll return to blogging here. She thinks her time spent in MyBloggers town might've served it's purpose at the time, and has since finally run it's course. Although, personally, I'm willing to wager that she'll be back. But to quote another Greaser, "Oh, what do I know?" ;)

posted on Jan 14, 2010 6:27 PM ()

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