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Life & Events > Not Enough Time

Not Enough Time

So the weekend was busy as usual. A graduation, errands, and things to do. Ugh! I wished they invented another day to relax or something because I really needed another day. Just to rest before going to school. It would have helped a lot. I was a bit exhausted when I woke up this morning, so that wasn’t really good.

Friday was my cousins Graduation party. He is a full-fledged Chiropractor now.

All of my cousin's friends, his fiance and some relatives came as well. I barely knew any of them. I saw my cousin.. said, “Hey.. Congrats!” and got some food. Because by this time, I was pretty hungry. Let's just say I ate my share of BBQ'd pork. My aunt who's visiting from Florida helped my Mom make everything during the morning, which must have been a enormousness undertaking. But I think they bought the strawberry pie (yum) and the cookies.

As I sat there eating, I felt really out of place. Here were all these people in their late 20's to early 30's and me .. in my late teens. I was thinking to myself when they were talking, “I really don’t have much in common with these people”. It started to get boring and I was exhausted from the day. So I bid them farewell and went back to my room.

I took a quick shower and sat on the couch watching the new Price is Right. I really miss Bob Barker. I truly will miss him on that show. It won’t ever be the same again without him. Watched some Stargate Atlantis and then fell asleep reading my book. I know I know .. boring Friday. My friend was having a party, but I was too tired to go.

Saturday, I had to wake up at the crack of dawn to go to my sister’s. It felt like going to work again. Not a fun thing to do..Saturday is a day to sleep in. So I drove to her house and babysat my niece. It was nice spending time with her. She's able to roll over by herself now. I only had to change her once while I was there...that made me happy. She threw up on herself so I had to change her outfit. But that wasn't a biggie.

Then I drove back home and went out to eat with my parents.

Saw a cute guy at the restaurant, which was a nice change of pace. I wished he could have came by and given me his phone number. Ever since I broke up with my ex-boyfriend I haven’t really gone on a lot of dates, nor have I really put in the effort in doing so. It just seems like every guy I've met so far just wants to hook up. Are there no guy’s out there who want to actually have a relationship? If so drop me an email...:-P

By the time we got home from the restaurant I went for a quick shower, read a little of my book and then just crashed. What guy sleeps at 10:30 on a Saturday night? Me of course -- but I was hella tired.

After sleeping for 9 hours I woke up, not really refreshed because I had errands to do all day Sunday. Go grocery shopping, develop some pictures, iron my shirts for work, etc. etc. etc. So I was driving around like a mad man trying to do everything. Got home around 5:00 in the afternoon and helped Mom make dinner, watched some T.V., checked my email, and then off to bed.

I did everything that I wanted to this weekend but was tired in the process. This next weekend should be pretty uneventful for the most part. So I guess I’ll be able to rest.

Damn .. what a boring post. I promise to write something more interesting, just kind of numb in the mind right now with school (I've got two major exams this week!), work and silly drama in my life.

posted on Mar 17, 2008 8:00 AM ()


Bad news my friend--even though you are years away from it trust me being retired and having all the time to do things I seem never to be able to catch up let alone get ahead.
According to old wisdom--don't look for it and love will come--besides HE may be waiting for you at school--you never know.
comment by greatmartin on Mar 17, 2008 5:07 PM ()
Very cute baby! And I thought that this post was interesting.
comment by angiedw on Mar 17, 2008 1:02 PM ()
well you got a private chiro there and he will take care of
you.Baby sweet.Take some time and find a place in solace.
comment by fredo on Mar 17, 2008 9:53 AM ()
I have changed one diaper in my life, and that was my niece when she was about the same age as her. I turned my back for a second, and she rolled off the couch and hit the floor. Whaa!!! They groe up quick though.
comment by gtasahomo on Mar 17, 2008 8:55 AM ()
Your niece is a real cutie. There is no question that you was busy. I am exhaustd, and all I did was read about it.
There are a lot of guys out there who just want to hook up, but not all of them are that way. The funny thing is the guys you are really looking for tend to be quiet and shy so they are harder to see. You will find someone. It just takes time.
What book are you reading that is keeping you so enthralled?
comment by lunarhunk on Mar 17, 2008 8:15 AM ()
You dont write boring Matt. Nice picture btw. And for the bf or the date.... I am sure it wont take long.
comment by itsjustme on Mar 17, 2008 8:15 AM ()
Never been to a chiropractor, but I feel like I could use it sometimes. And yes, without Bob, that show just isn't right anymore..
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 17, 2008 8:10 AM ()

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