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Parenting & Family > Supper with My Buscia

Supper with My Buscia

I went to visit my Buscia (grandmother) yesterday. Even though her house is about 25 minutes away from home, it’s been weeks since I’ve seen her, plus I didn’t have any plans. I told her the previous night I would be there around 1:00 p.m. Old Polish people like to have their main meal early in the day and call it supper.

I was early (as usual), parked, curbed my wheel towards the street (because it’s on a hill) and slowly walked up towards the house … the door was ajar, so I let myself in.

I took my shoes off as I saw my Jaja (grandfather) and said hello to him; he looks so much older and thinner these days.

My grandmother heard me and came bustling in to greet me with a smile on her face. She looked the same … but tired.

My mom was telling me that my grandfather tripped a couple of months ago when they went on vacation.

As he tripped part of his glasses cut his face, thankfully it wasn’t too bad. I learned that this weekend he tripped AGAIN when they went to church. Poor guy, he’s so clumsy at times.

Anyways, I walked into the kitchen where she was cooking dinner. It brought back memories when I was small and when she use to take care of me. The smell of toast and homemade jam … the pots sitting on the stove … and the Ice Cream she used to buy.

Since I was early, I told her to take her time as I went into the living room to watch television with my grandfather. He was watching a boxing tournament on cable. When he was a boy back in Poland he made money by boxing and he was good too!

We sat down for dinner. She made me eat even though my throat was still sore. She said, "You big boy, you eat!" when I tried to protest. I ate and boy was everything delicious! The meal started off with a cup of Czarnina soup. It took me years to try this soup again. Maybe it's because she made me try czarnina when I was little. For those who don't know, it's duck's blood soup. She knew I loved chocolate and tried to pass it off as chocolate soup. Her homemade mushroom soup was awesome as were her "Buscia" burgers with onion and bacon inside. Along with her famous burgers she served Stuffed cabbage, also known as Polish hand grenades for the way they clean out your innards. Has anyone ever tried Chzran? Homemade polish horseradish? Well, my buscia makes her own and it's a killer! You know how wasabi clears your sinuses?? She puts sugar and vinegar in it for added zip. A spoonful of that on a polish sausage (that's the GRAY kielbasa, not the red), dog, or brat is to die for. My favorite Polish dessert she makes by hand, are pastries filled with fruit jelly. The strawberry and apricot ones are incredible.

We were talking and they were asking if I had a girlfriend yet (which in my mind was funny because they don’t know I’m gay). If they ever knew, I don’t think our relationship would be the same. They’re "old country" 100% Polish, all four of my grandparents came over "on the boat." My grandparents are also ultra-conservative and I already know their opinion about the matter. I don't think they'd even understand. They think it’s strange and not normal at all.

Anyways, my grandmother was talking to me as I was helping her clean the table, she usually tells me three things. They’re usually:

1. Don't waste time foolishly.
2. Be good boy and go to church.
3. Be frugal with money.

She usually repeats them everytime I see her, so I politely nod ….. everytime, haha. I think she remembers telling me, guess it’s a grandmother thing.

Anyways after dinner I watched television with them, looked through some old photographs which I love to do, and just relaxed.

It was getting late so I decided to leave. Everytime I visit her, she usually cooks so much food that there's always left overs for me to take back home.

It took me 2 trips before I finally got everything in.

Enough to feed us for a week!

Yeah, the amount of food she had me bring back could have fed a village and the one next to it, haha. I texted my sister the next day and asked if she could take some of it before it spoiled.

My dad was saying how happy my grandmother was because I went to visit her. Which made me happy because that wasn’t my intended purpose; I just missed seeing her and wanted to visit.

I guess when you care about someone, you’ll do whatever you can to make them happy; even if it’s something small. Maybe by visiting and hanging out with them, maybe by chatting with them, or maybe by just asking how they’re doing.

It’s always the small thoughtful things people tend to remember. Someone I knew asked me why I’m so nice to my friends. Like spending the day with them on their birthday … helping them out even though they’re too afraid or too stubborn to ask … or just dropping a line and asking how they are.

I know most people probably think that my first thoughts are, “Is this going to make me look good?” or “I hope I get something in return”. I’ve never had those popup. The thoughts I usually have are, “I hope they like their present” or “Let’s pray he / she has a great time”, which then stresses me out. It’s always about them and whether they’re happy or not … that’s all I care about. I know people don’t understand that … but that’s how my personality is like.

I’m a giver, not a taker, lol.

As I get older … I’m realizing and filtering out friends and acquaintances. The people who are genuine, the people who make me feel great when I’m around them, the people who don’t take advantage of me, and the people who actually care and respect me. I unfortunately made a huge mistake in thinking someone was my friend, that no matter how nice I was … how genuine I was … it didn’t matter in the end because they never saw me that way. It’s a difficult process and we make mistakes here and there … but we’re only human and learn from it. We just have to make sure we don’t end up repeating it. But as a friend of mine said, “Friendship takes two”. And she’s absolutely right about that … even though I won’t say it to her face because her ego will probably grow larger, *smiles*.

BTW..I can’t believe it’s almost September … unbelievable …..

posted on Aug 18, 2008 2:54 PM ()


No, my feelings weren't hurt--I didn't take it thatw ay--MOST elderly people do get/become clumsy--jsut ask them/us!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 20, 2008 3:42 PM ()
Great and wonderful that you go and see them.
They are your grandparents and knowing that they loved you
so much.They appreciate this type of visit.
Good for you in doing this.
Would loved to see share a photo of your grandparents.
That was a wonderful story and notice by the comments there
they all agreed with you.Don't forget now be frugal I loved that.
comment by fredo on Aug 19, 2008 11:55 AM ()
Absolutely wonderful post, Matt! I too am Polish, and we used to call my Great Grandmother, who came over from Warsaw, Bocci (Pronounced like the game "Bocce Ball".)
Family is the best. I'm so glad you appreciate the one that you have!
comment by hayduke on Aug 19, 2008 9:56 AM ()
Its a typical "Matt"-post (I mean that very positive). I always appriciate your caring for other people. That is what makes you special Matt!
I didnt knew you actually have "european blood", nice to know.
I can understand why you dont tell ur grandparents. You dont want to hurt them, cause you think they will feel hurt. Your caring about other people always is real caring and , indeed, not a way to "look good" as you say. I always appreciate your posts and mails, thx .
comment by itsjustme on Aug 19, 2008 1:56 AM ()
ewww duck blood soup Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful cook, but I think i'd pass on the duck blood soup!
You are a lovely guy Matt - never change nothing about you kk
comment by lynnie on Aug 18, 2008 10:17 PM ()
That was a beautiful post, Matt! It's so nice that you are so close with your family. I have an aunty that I remember doing one thing for me, although she had done many things for me...but this one thing stood out far from the others. I was having a really rough time one day (about four years ago) and was sitting on the top stair of the porch. She came outside, sat down next to me, held me, and let me cry. She didn't say anything. She was just there. That memory I will never forget. It is truly the little things that people do that make the difference.
comment by hopefields on Aug 18, 2008 7:22 PM ()
A couple of thoughts while reading your blog:
1) as people get older they get clumsy
2) 'little things mean a lot'--the small gesture made lovingly will always be remembered
3) it took me a while but at 31 and since then I have not allowed negative people in my life and life has been so much better since then
4) You really have no idea the joy you brought you grandparents with your visit--make it a habit!
Believe it or not being a good person isn't easy--there are many barriers put in your way as you go through life BUT don't let the 'bad' ones get to you--stay 'good'!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 18, 2008 4:14 PM ()
first off....your grandparent story is touching and sweet. So happy you have a good relationship with them...that's important. I am sorry to know that your relationship would change if they knew you were gay. My Grandfathers are both that way but grandmother's still have a good relationsuhip with me. Yoru last paragraph is very very inciteful and true. Wish more people understood that. I have had several people in my life use & abuse me and it's a hard lesson for me to learn cuase I take people for what they say and how they act. If someone is being decietful or manipulative it's hard to use those tests to see the real perosn. I don't play those games so it's hard for me to understand when people do.
comment by panthurdreams on Aug 18, 2008 4:05 PM ()
Time is definitely flying by! You excited about getting to school yet?
Your time with the grandparents sounds wonderful!
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 18, 2008 3:09 PM ()

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