I had my first exam this morning, Media Studies. It took me a long while to consider myself ready for this exam. In a final act of desperation I hurriedly read over my notes and model answers at the breakfast table. I anxiously watched the time on the stove and at 6:40 a.m. I finally left. Upon arriving at my exam I discovered several things:
-I was the only one from my Media Studies Class at the Exam
-I wasn't in the correct exam room
-I ended up having to share the classroom, with those taking a Physics Exam
I must admit I was a little disoriented.
Now that my first exam is over, I have two hours to study before my second exam which is English. I am absolutely freaking out. I've done a load of studying but I still don't know if I'm ready yet. I'm already feeling the pressure. I have had to study things such as as Unfamiliar Texts, War Poetry and Films. Speaking of films, one of my take home assignments for this test was to write an essay on one of the four films shown in class. I choose Gone with the Wind as my essay subject. It's controversial and I like controversy. My take on the film isn't a popular one so I think it will either be a hit or a miss with my teacher.
Wish me luck!