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Life & Events > Relationships > My Sorta Date and Sushi

My Sorta Date and Sushi

I went out to dinner with Jim last night. The co-worker who I have a crush on.

Our lunch breaks at work are really short so we never really got a chance to talk about anything beside work or other boring topics.

So how did our night go … let’s dive into the nitty gritty juicy details now …..

We met up for dinner at a sushi restaurant at 7 in the evening and didn’t leave until 11:30 at night. We ended up talking for a long period of time, which is weird because I enjoyed it and I’m pretty sure he did too.

So we got sushi near his house … good and tasty … not the best sushi I’ve had … but still … it was good. I got to the restaurant first and then I text him asking if we’re still having dinner.

Me: Hey, we’re still having dinner right?

Jim: Yes

His response is always short and simple and a minute later he comes walking in. He was dressed casual. I came straight from work so I was still in my “work” clothes (i.e. black khaki’s and a white dress shirt).

We said Hi to each other and went in. It wasn’t busy at the time, they were just understaffed. There was only one waitress taking care of the entire floor. Granted the restaurant was small, but still one waitress for about 10-11 tables; no easy feat at all by any means.

We got seated and while we were waiting for the waitress to come take our order (she was running around helping all the other tables, poor lady), we caught up a little. Jim’s dad recently moved back from Ohio, he was working there as a temp job, but turned permanent after performing well. He was telling me how he was worried that his dad wouldn’t be able to get a job when he came back, that his mom would basically be pulling in the income. But his dad took the a job and it’s right where him mom works, so they get to carpool which is nice for them. It’s another temp job, but it’s still a job, so that’s all that matters.

So we started talking and the waitress came, apologizing for the wait. He ordered the sushi sampler and I ordered the Lion King (baked salmon on a California type roll).

It was just nice talking to him and seeing what he’s been up to. He talked quite openly about his personal life -- No .. he’s not gay … he’s straight and dating the bartender at the restaurant we work at. How did I not know this?! lol. Thankfully I didn't have to bring up the whole sexual orientation 'are you or are you not gay?' thing. But it’s good to know where I am with him … now I can move on and find someone who is actually attainable.

Afterwards we went to Kopp's and got some yummy ice cream. Mmmm … it was so good. We talked some more about his relatives and his cousins (one of many). I asked him if he lived alone or with roomates. He told me that he shares his apartment with two other guys -- friends he met in college, but spends most of his time at his girlfriends apartment.

He’s turning 22 in April and he was thinking it would be fun to go to Vegas. I told him I'd never been to Vegas and he smiled and asked if I'd like to come too. But I'm not the type of person who really likes going to places like that and I'd need to make sure my parents are cool with it. We’ll see what happens … but thought it would be fun. He didn’t seem all that happy when we were talking about it, the turning 22 part, I think .. not sure if he just feels old but I told him I'll be his age and he can relive 18 again … lol.

So after ice cream we went to our cars. I thought at this point we would leave, but we ended up standing there in the parking lot.

I had a great time with him. We have the oddest friendship. I'll still hang out or do dinner or something … just to make sure we don’t lose base with each other. But sometimes I don’t necessarily know where I stand with him. I should just go with the flow and appreciate him for who he is.

I got some good advice from my sister not long ago .. friendship shouldn’t be bogged down with obligations. I shouldn’t be that way at all. And that was exactly what I was doing … giving him obligations with our friendship. I wasn't sure I wanted another straight guy friend -- I see how stupid that is.

So we talked until 11:30 and noticed it was getting late. I had work the next morning and waking up at 6 in the morning is a pain sometimes.

Me: *starts yawning*

Jim:: You look tired

Me: Naw, just a little

Jim: Well it’s getting late and you need to wake up early

Me: Yeah, I guess you're right

Jim: We'll have to do something again real soon

Me: Yeah that sounds cool

….. We both start walking to our own cars …..

Jim: Night, Matt.
*gives hug"..

Me: Night, Jim, drive safely.

Jim: {smiles} I'll try

I enjoy his company. That’s the best part about him, he’s the coolest guy to talk to and to joke around with. I’m lucky that he considers me a friend.

Too bad it wasn’t a real date! That would have been much better. Not with him, but like with some other guy. Someday...someday :)

P.S. Sorry for lack of flow or structure on the post. I just got home and I’m tried from work … it’s been a long week and I need food and sleep now. Hope all of you guy’s (and gals) had a wonderful weekend!

posted on Mar 2, 2008 5:06 PM ()


Ah ... thanks for the direct to this post! I am sorry that it didn't work out like you hoped, but it definitely sounds like you guys are good friends.
comment by lunarhunk on Mar 15, 2008 7:33 PM ()
Straight guys can be fun too..No, not like that either...
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 5, 2008 2:44 PM ()
Thanks, mate!
comment by mattguru18 on Mar 3, 2008 2:30 PM ()
sound like a great dinner date,and gain a new friend.
Your still young and the best is yet to come.
The post was fine.Great job as always.
comment by fredo on Mar 3, 2008 9:41 AM ()
Thx Matt for this one. Jim can become a good friend and sorry to hear he is str8. I am sure someday (and perhaps it will be real soon)you will have your real date mate! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
comment by itsjustme on Mar 3, 2008 12:30 AM ()

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