So I thought it be a great idea to buy these little boxes for my dresser. I’m an organization freak, what can I say?

As I drove near IKEA I saw a large, “Sale†sign and smiled.
So I went in and speed walked through the store like a crazed person. Ended up near the dresser section and found those organizers that I wanted. I thought they sold them individually but instead, they sold them in pack’s of 6. Somehow I was able to use all of them by stuffing various socks and using one for another purpose.
During the entire time I was there, I noticed a lot of guy’s shopping with guy’s. Either:
1. They’re friends
2. Or they’re gay
I’m thinking the latter because the guy’s I did see seemed cute together or maybe I’m just letting my imagination go wild. But instead of shopping for my organizers and looking at other furniture I was checking out guy’s left and right. No eye contact though, except for one guy.
I was near the sofa area and noticed a good-looking guy. He looked to be in his late 20's. So the dork that I am checks him out head to toe, nice smile and build....and then I couldn't seem to stop staring. He was looking for something and noticed me “staringâ€, so I quickly glanced at whatever was near him, which was a trash can for some odd reason.
Continued shopping and finally got into the cookware / kitchen section and wanted to look for a cup for work because I’ve been using a paper one. I don't like using plastic bottles anymore. So after walking around for about 10 minutes I finally found one I liked. There was a lime green one, a blue colored one, a white and black one. After pondering what felt like an hour, I finally choose my color:

I know I know … really plain and boring, but they didn’t have a wide selection, and plus it was only $0.60!
After that I walked around some more and decided to leave because I was getting bored. I love IKEA because they have self-checkout lanes. Maybe it was me but I remember as a kid, I would pretend to play “Supermarket†with my sister. Anytime she babysat me we'd pretend by me being the cashier and she would be the shopper. I would pretend to scan food and ring her up. I'm sure she got bored with it fast but I never did.
So I walk into the self-checkout lane and start to scan my items as if I were playing, “Supermarket†all over again. Like the dork that I am, I was scanning like crazy and had fun doing so. Too bad I only purchased two items. I left with my organizer and cup in hand.
Instead of drving back home on the freeway, I drove aimlessly through the side streets. I passed a gas station and decided I should get some because I know I’ll get in trouble if I don't. I got home and there was nothing to watch on television, so I got restless. I then organized my dresser and everything fit nicely. Had to arrange some of my clothes around, but everything worked out.
Out of the 6, I only used 5. Not knowing what to do with the sixth one, I put it on top of the dresser and used it as my “dump boxâ€. Basically I toss everything in there, my wallet, home and school keys, work ID, etc.