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Love As Much As You Can

Life & Events > Fear of Visitors

Fear of Visitors

A friend of mine came over to give me some fresh tomatoes from her garden yesterday. It was a very sweet thing to do, right? It should NOT have triggered heart palpitations and panic. Sadly, any time we have unexpected visitors, my heart skips a beat. We don't get many visitors here, which is a mixed blessing. While I'm glad on the one hand, I think it would be nice to have friends over.

When my daughter saw a figure through the curtains she said in a very annoyed voice...''Who is that coming to our door, and why?" Sounds pretty anti-social, I'm sure. We have our reasons. For one, when we lived in our old house, a shadow across our window or a knock at the door was usually bad news.

For a while, the police would visit our house practically every week! My daughter, who now lives in Austria (as far away as she can!) was afraid of having friends over because every time she did, there would be an 'incident' involving law enforcement. If it wasn't the police, it might be some other 'undesirable character'. You never knew whether to be nice to them, or to scream "get the *&%! out!" A lot of them were drug dealers, or people looking to get 'hooked up'.

One lady came to the door looking like your classic old hag... an obvious meth addict. Her skin was covered in bumps and sores. Her hair was all bleached and ratty. Her teeth were rotten around the edges. I asked her what her business was with my daughter. When I didn't like the answer I told her not to come 'round here anymore. I practically slammed the door in her face as she screeched in the most ghastly voice... "YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN!!!!"

Traffic was always the worst when my kids were trying to 'clean up'. If any of these people were as persistent with honest living as they were in trying to get my kids re-infected, they'd be an automatic success! I was astounded at how undeterred they were. I'd always say my kids weren't home, even if they were. Sadly, unless my kids were willing to stay home and never go anywhere, they'd eventually find them, bringing them back into the biz.

It wasn't uncommon for me to find people, or evidence of people in other parts of our property. I'm pretty sure our garage and storage shed had been used by homeless people on a regular basis. I know our couch was as my daughter would often let people stay the night without asking us. It was always a little bit jarring to wake up to strangers in my living room. A person doesn't want to be cold hearted, but we ultimately felt we had to put an end to that, particularly for our other daughter's sake.

One day I thought I saw someone in my backyard so I went to investigate. It was a young guy picking mushrooms! Now, we lived in the Pacific Northwest, where mushrooms grow fairly readily. Our backyard was full of them. He said he needed them for science class, that my son gave him permission.

Suspicious of that encounter, I decided to look them up. Turns out the free alder chips I'd put down as mulch were ideal for these certain types of mushrooms, and they were not the type you put in spaghetti sauce. They were worth a lot of money on the drug market.

I later learned that my son, after using these 'shrooms', had hallucinations for months afterwards. He was afraid he was going crazy. Almost scared him straight! But not quite. Needless to say, I raked all the old mulch up, dumped it at an undisclosed location, and spread store bought mulch.

Even after kicking our kids out, moving twice, having other people live there for a year, and spending large amounts of money to fix it up, people are still coming 'round. My husband is there now, trying to help my daughter in Oregon. He said someone came to the door very recently looking for his son. The guy said he was told it was a "drug house!" We would like to sell it but are afraid to leave it vacant.

It's so wonderful to be so far away from all that garbage! Unfortunately, as I've blogged about so many times before, we have other kinds of garbage. Right now I have several stacks of boxes and bric-a-brac right by the front door. It's not a good place, I know. It's the first, and possibly only thing people are likely to see when they come over. It's probably another reason we hate having visitors. We're embarrassed by the mess.

I have to question why I would keep my entryway so unsightly when I've made so much progress with the rest of the house. This ought to be an area for good impressions. Right now it's the complete opposite! Do I think that by keeping it ugly it will drive people away? Is that what I subconsciously want to do? Don't know. What I do know is that even if I'm bound to have heart palpitations whenever someone comes to my door, I don't want it to be because of how unsightly it is.

I'm feeling much better today so I think I'll make that my first priority. Ya'll have a great day!

posted on Nov 2, 2012 8:26 AM ()


I know exactly what you mean. My mother was not a great house cleaner, and never taught us how to keep the house clean in between huge muck outs that started in one corner of the house and ended up with the back porch full of stuff. When I worked, I wasn't much better, and we'd have to do a major clean up before we went on vacation because the inlaws were going to look after the cats. We had something called 'munchkin alert' meaning the inlaws (both are very petite) were on their way over. Now that I'm retired, I do a better job of keeping things tidy, and it's so much better to not dread someone dropping by. Not that anyone does drop by. I have those two rental cabins in the summer, and of course, they have to always be spotless, so a lot of my energy goes into that.
comment by troutbend on Nov 5, 2012 10:10 AM ()
Oh, that makes me feel so much better! I know it's extra hard to keep a clean house when you also work outside the home! That's when things got really crazy with us, but it's not the only factor.

I was raised with the spirit of team work, which was very effective in keeping the home I grew up in clean, a minor miracle as there were eight people living in a 900 sq ft house. My husband wasn't raised that way, and he was too stubborn to adopt it. When the kids were little, we'd put on Greig's "March of the Mountain King", which made picking up fun. Later, when drugs entered the picture, all team work went out the window. My cooperative children wouldn't work if my non-cooperative children didn't have to. Even having company wasn't a motivator.

Ironically, almost all of my kids that are grown are tidy! Go figure.
reply by maggiemae on Nov 5, 2012 11:02 AM ()
Yeah, I have, and it's hysterical!
comment by whereabouts on Nov 3, 2012 6:03 PM ()
reply by maggiemae on Nov 3, 2012 8:16 PM ()
No wonder the squirrels gobble up those funky looking mushrooms that grow in the woods chips! lol
comment by whereabouts on Nov 3, 2012 9:48 AM ()
Yeah! And no wonder they act kind of crazy sometimes! Have you ever seen them chase each other round a tree? Pretty funny.
reply by maggiemae on Nov 3, 2012 11:50 AM ()
I hate unexpected visitors--even "friends" who don't call ahead. Same with phone calls. I'm usually busy. Plus, like you, I panic thinking something's wrong or somebody died. Difficult to shake those feelings.
comment by solitaire on Nov 3, 2012 5:49 AM ()
So true, it is difficult! Maybe we need to encourage more pleasant encounters... to cancel out the bad ones.
reply by maggiemae on Nov 3, 2012 11:53 AM ()
The important thing is that you have endured and you are still trying to
make your life better. Get busy on the entry and find something fun to do
outside the house. Hopefully your kids are better now but it is important
to keep your daughter away from her siblings if they are still addicts.
comment by elderjane on Nov 3, 2012 4:23 AM ()
My two kids who put us through this hell are both doing better. My son has been clean for almost two years. My daughter still struggles, but it's not as bad as before. Schizophrenics often use drugs to ease their symptoms, so it's possible she'll be using some form of 'self medication' for the rest of her life.

This experience was hard on the whole family, but we are moving forward with our lives. I don't think I'll be able to rest until I've put some distance between us an every kind of addiction, including hoarding. I worked most of the day on my entryway yesterday and got it all cleaned up. Today my helpers came and moved furniture and pulled up the filthy rug. I can't tell you how happy I was to see so much floor!

As for fun? What's that?
reply by maggiemae on Nov 3, 2012 12:24 PM ()
comment by kevinshere on Nov 2, 2012 10:40 PM ()
I am the opposite--I love having people come over--and most know they don't have to call first--by the same token if I don't want company I just lock the doors--my place is situated so that no one can see in! :O)
comment by greatmartin on Nov 2, 2012 6:06 PM ()
I'm hoping my fear of company will fade away once my house is in order and enough time has passed, but we'll just have to wait and see. There is a big part of me that tends toward being a hermit, and maybe always will.
reply by maggiemae on Nov 2, 2012 9:52 PM ()
I too hate hearing a knock on the door. Usually because I'm still in my PJs. I swear the parcel delivery lady thinks I do shift work and sleep during the day.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 2, 2012 9:20 AM ()
I know what you mean. I've been caught in my robe many a time.
reply by maggiemae on Nov 2, 2012 9:59 AM ()
comment by crazylife on Nov 2, 2012 9:02 AM ()
What can I say? That was my life for many years.
reply by maggiemae on Nov 2, 2012 10:00 AM ()

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