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Life & Events > Boring > Daring to Do Differently

Daring to Do Differently

I'm a creative person, and a fairly handy one. I've built storage solutions for previous houses and I'm sure I could do so again. I have one project in the wings that is a must have, a storage/seating bench for our tiny dining area. However, determined to turn over a new leaf, I've decided that my ambitions will have to end there. I don't need more storage. I need a new way of being.

I've finally figured out the true cost of my 'storage solutions'. First, I have to store or collect all those materials that I will use in my 'someday' projects. Paint, boards, tools, sandpaper, old doors and hinges, all take up valuable space! Next, I will make a big mess while working on my project, often leaving them half done for an embarrassing amount of time, sabotaging any hope of order.

The projects will then weigh heavily on my peace of mind and create discouragement. Being the procrastinator that I am, I will wait for just the right combination of time, energy, and emotional fortitude before I can get back to it. Once completed, I will use my newly formed storage space to store things I probably didn't even need in the first place. In fact, more storage often only serves to delay decisions I could (and should) make right now.

If I want a different outcome, I have to be willing to take a different approach. I want a clean house! That's all I want. I have to keep reminding myself of that as I tackle the tough decisions of what to keep and what to say goodbye to, and most importantly, what to do with my days.

posted on Oct 30, 2012 9:53 AM ()


It's the fear of the big mess that keeps me from embarking on projects, because I'm afraid I'll get stalled and there it will be. I am starting to worry that my life is passing me by while I think about the someday that I will start to paint landscapes.
comment by troutbend on Nov 5, 2012 10:16 AM ()
That's how I feel. I've always wanted to paint as well, but have decided that unless I can devote a room to it, it will just be 'one more thing' in the way. I have dreams of a studio in the back yard. We'll see.
reply by maggiemae on Nov 5, 2012 10:39 AM ()
I am bad to hang on to clothes but other things are easier for me to
get rid of. Donate what you can or have a big garage sale.
comment by elderjane on Oct 30, 2012 4:27 PM ()
I admire people who can run their lives without being dragged down by too many possessions. I used to have garage sales but now I just can't wait to get it out of my way so I have been donating everything. Feels so good! Got rid of four bags of books today, with more on the way.
reply by maggiemae on Oct 30, 2012 5:27 PM ()
I echo the comments of nittineedles and greatmartin. We've been moving progressively into smaller and smaller homes and tossing unnecessary crapola through it all. I need to bring that same philosophy to bear on my clothing, much of which is a holdover from prior to retirement.
comment by steve on Oct 30, 2012 2:27 PM ()
I think that is a key point, not dragging our old lives into new territory. Moving is a wonderful opportunity for re-evaluation, isn't it!
reply by maggiemae on Oct 30, 2012 5:30 PM ()
Storage space is like a purse. The bigger it is, the more you put in it.
comment by nittineedles on Oct 30, 2012 12:30 PM ()
That's a good one!
reply by maggiemae on Oct 30, 2012 5:27 PM ()
About 4 years ago I picked up everything I have NOT used in more than 3 years--also my Playbill collection, books, CDs, etc. and sold it all on Ebay-- I found I had more room than I would ever need--now I give away 'things' all the time!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 30, 2012 11:56 AM ()
You're my hero! Keep on teaching me master!
reply by maggiemae on Oct 30, 2012 5:28 PM ()

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