I ended up going to my friend's house on Saturday night. He was not feeling all that up to par so we decided to play his new Agatha Christie computer game. It ended up being lots of fun. It was quite the mind-bending set of mysteries.
I picked up some beer along the way. The friend like Bud, but I am not a huge fan of it so I always try to get some unique types. I grabbed some Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. It was weird. It tasted like a beer with the aftertaste of cough syrup. What was weird is that it gets to be enjoyable after a while.
Well, I forgot to bring my bottle opener with me so the friend was popping the bottles open for me with the bottom of his lighter. You all know me ... Mr. Coordinated. So, I tried to do it at one point since the friend was grabbing something out of the computer room. Well, I ended up taking a chunk out of one my index finger. It was right above the top knuckle just inside.
So, stupid me, but what to I do?!? I try it with the other hand and do the same thing. I ended up looking like a whacked out vampire trying to getting my fingers to stop bleeding while sucking on them.
Now, it is pure torture to tie my shoes because the laces go right over where I cut myself. It is actually kind of funny!