Well, poor Ray finally got his wrist slapped for everything he has been doing at work. I mentioned a couple of months ago that he had gone before the school committee represent the bus monitors to present their concerns about their supervisor. The school committee looked into a lot of what he brought up and actually had the superintendent look into resolving some of the problems.
The problem is the superintendent wasn't quite as thrilled about what was going on. Ray had offered to go to the safety meetings to represent the bus monitors so they could be brought up to speed. He offered to do it without getting paid. Well, it resulted with our superintedent sending Ray a letter making it clear that the woman who is the supervisor was going to stay in charge and that no matter what Ray did, he was not going to get her job.
I thought it was a bit of an overreaction. Ray handled it pretty well. He actually hid the letter because he did not want me to know he got it. I happened to run across it. It did not bother me too much, though. While the language was clear, nothing indicated that his job was in danger or that they really could do anything else.
I think part of the problem is the woman has been doing the job for years. She is the only person to manage the monitors since state law required them in 1985. She has run the bus company for 38 years. I have a feeling that she has not had a performance evaluation in years. I think her management skills have gone a bit stale. I only say this because she happens to chair one of the town boards I am on, and I can see how much focus she puts into that. She is a nice lady though.
She actually told Ray that he was not welcome in the bus company's office one day while he was sitting there waiting for a couple of his coworkers. Apparently, the new manager of the bus company told Ray that he was welcome any time he wanted afterward.
It is proving to be interesting.