We had a few realtors come through this past weekend and apparently people thought the place was nice, just out of their price range. Bleh on the latter part!!! I want someone to buy! haha I think someone will though, I am not concerned...
This weekend was great! I went home to Bingo on Friday night. I was supposed to meet two old friends for dinner at my fave restaurant... well when I walked in there was a large table of people!!! I was like WHOAH!!! I was so surprised... they all came bearing gifts (of wine - WAHOO!) so it was fantabulous... Seriously a very nice surprise! We spent the rest of the night bar hopping - it was a great evening!
Saturday I met R up at the lake and we started our weekend of wedding crapola... things went well there too... my nephew was up there as well as my dad so it was a good time. My nephew B challenged R over $5 that B would stay in the FREEZING COLD lake for 2 minutes and 30 seconds and that R couldn't do it. R was like I am up for that challenge... so they both went in the water, which was 37 DEGREES! Unreal... R didn't make it the full 2 minutes 30 seconds but B did, so I gave B $5! Too funny...
I took today to relax. It was a beautiful thing... I cleaned up a few things but didn't do anything major which was fantastical!!!
Happy Tuesday peeps!