I have heard even more bad news about the part time job. Apparently they have been throwing away tools we use in class and are making up rules that are just silly. I am not sure if it's to punish the full time trainer or what, but she's already quitting so I don't really understand it?
Being in DC there are a myriad of other places I could find work as a trainer after the wedding. I also would be able to get my hours in that way (for eventual certification) if I am working more hours in a day as a trainer...
I hope I wouldn't be screwing myself though... that's my big concern... I don't want to fall out of the training loop. I don't think I will though because I do truly enjoy it.
If I quit the part time job now I will also have more time to deal with wedding stuff. I think I have mentioned that before though...
Decisions Decisions!!!