No Vegas. R said his work contract isn't stable enough to request the trip/conference. BOO! But it is what it is and we'll save money in the end so... bleh.
I am HORRIBLE at saving money. I guess my credit card past should have alerted me to this, but lemme tell ya, every night I am not working I am like R! Let's go for dinner here! R! Drinks with so and so tonight at this bar? R! Caps game this weekend??? Poor R has gotten good at saying "No Kristy, we are trying to save money..."
I realize I have been spoiled and had no idea. BUT I worked hard, so I think I kinda deserved it. Now that I won't be working full time I guess I should enjoy not being able to afford going out??? I have no idea.
My Kraymer has caused some more problems due to separation anxiety... the neighbors upstairs complained again. :0( I totally understand that barking all night on a Saturday is HIGHLY annoying, but last time this happened (on my b-day) we provided them our numbers in case it ever happened again. I ran into the lady from upstairs a few months after the birthday incident and she said all was well. Cool deal. Well then we get another note Saturday night about how our dogs need muzzles and how they alerted the condo association and their landlord about it. It baffles me though. Why not use the numbers we gave you, have us apologize and come home, and have the problem be solved? I just don't get some people.
Life. It is what it is. :0)
2 more days of work HELL! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!