Who knew that I would need to file a police report against my neighbors? Not I. I never thought I'd be doing such a thing. Alas, I did. I felt I needed to. It's a long story but it ended up that the people upstairs felt the need to threaten us and tell us we "messed with" the wrong people. What did R and I do to "mess with" these people? We may never know...
anywho - good news on the condo front. It seems that we have an offer in, and it's a pretty nice offer indeed... We're going to talk with the real estate guy tonight and see what we need to do, but after talking with the parentals and R I think we're sitting pretty! Now lets just hope it all goes through so I can run away from the neighbors and never look back.
But... in truth, I have already run away. I am in a remote area of upstate NY where there are few people. This means little stress. It's been fabulous!!! The boys are happy and although R couldn't stay the whole time it's still been nice and quiet.
I also think I am going to volunteer at a local small doggie day care. When I asked the lady if she'd like a volunteer she seemed taken aback... a VOLUNTEER????? hehe so I am hoping to maybe get some discounts on what I'll be paying for doggie day care. It'll be a good learning experience regardless so we shall see what transpires.
Happy Monday folks!!!