and I have my car back... Ugs.
I have been debating trading it in but I don't want another car payment... although paying for crap going wrong all the time is just as bad, no? I dunno... it's annoying but it is what it is... I miss the times I had no idea where a good mechanic was in the area because I hadn't had the need!!!
I had a dream last night that barely anyone showed up to our wedding. I also dreamed that my shoes were silver and my dress was short enough to show the shoes, I wasn't a fan of the shoes and I wondered where they had come from. I wonder what that means...
In other news, VEGAS tomorrow. It's VERY unfortunate that I have had to spend ALL of my spending money for Vegas on my stupid car. Along with savings for next months rent. Ah, the joys of living paycheck to paycheck! Bleh.
Happy Tuesday peeps!!!