Druthers from jondude
If you could...
1. What location would you rather live in?
A. Las Vegas!
2. Where would you rather be right now on a vacation?
A. anywhere warm.
3. If you could have one new law passed in your country, it would be...
A. to regulate treatment (cruelty) for ALL animals (along with pets).
4. If you could solve any world problem it would be...
A. treat all animals much better than we do currently
5. What single event would you change that happened to you?
A. that's a thinker... nothing comes to mind
6. What world event would you change?
A. September 11th 2001 never would have happened.
7. What automobile would you like to have owned in your lifetime?
A. no idea. I like my civic!
8. What place would you have liked to visit that you haven't?
A. Colorado
9. Who would you like to have spent a day with? (Must have lived during your lifetime.)
A. Brett Favre
10. What item that you lost, or disappeared from your life would you like to have back today? (Must be an object, not a person or pet.)
A. My box of CD's (one signed!) that disappeared in the ex's storage space. :0(
11. What would you like to happen to you tomorrow?
A. a monetary windfall. :0) Dare to dream!
12. What would you wish for your body if you could magically make it happen?
A. To be and remain thin while eating everything not nailed down.
13. What would you like to see banned everywhere?
A. any reason behind war.
14. What would you enjoy for your next meal, if you could have anything without having to cook it yourself?
A. mmm so many thing! Falafel, fake fried chicken, the list is truly endless.
15. What would you do if you could make your best friend happier?
A. For one of them, restore her to her former self pre-plane crash.
Your turn!!!