That's all thats left between me and marriage! EEK! There are times I kinda start freakin out and then there are times I am like what fun we're gonna have! So like everyone says, I think it'll fly by and it'll be a lot of fun... but yeah, I am nervous as well... The weather keeps changing on me. At one point I was looking at Falls Church weather and I got soooo excited for how warm it was gonna be - then I realized I am getting married in upstate NY. Not quite as warm here! But it has changed from rain to partly sunny so I will take it!
I am trying to get my mom and I nail appointments - I never would have thought it would be a busy place up here but apparently it is. Wow! We'll figure it out...
I'm excited for when R gets up here tomorrow night. We are gonna go get out marriage license Wed. and then go to a winery to get more bottles for the centerpieces. hehe Good times!
Did I mention that the condo is gone gone gone? Yup. Bye bye! It went as it was supposed to with no hitches. Awesome indeed!
Happy Monday peeps... I really keep forgetting which day it is up here!!!