Kevin yandell


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Life & Events > Eight Months of Blather

Eight Months of Blather

Our labour party prime minister has named the 14 th of September for our federal elections, the usual time from when the writs go to our Governor general is 6 weeks.
Eight months is unheard of so this is certainly going to be a long long campaign, at the moment the liberal party would win if held tomorrow, so this is going to get nasty and we will get really sick and tired of politicians when the date arrives, will be 8 months of blah blah and more blah

on a lighter note get a smile from these 2

Nun Beer.

While wandering through a shopping centre two nuns happened to pass a bottle shop.

One nun said to the other, "Wouldn't a nice cold beer or two taste wonderful on a hot summer evening?"

The second nun answered, "Indeed it would sister, but I would not feel comfortable buying beer as I am certain it would cause a scene At the checkout."

"I can handle that without a problem." said the first nun and she picked up a six-pack and headed for the checkout.

The cashier had a surprised look on his face when the two nuns arrived with a six-pack of beer.

One of the nuns explained "We use beer for washing our hair,a shampoo of sorts, if you will."

Without blinking an eye, the cashier reached under the counter, pulled out a package of pretzel sticks and placed them in the bag with the beer.

He looked the nun straight in the eye, smiled and said, "The curlers are on the house!"

If you've ever worked for a boss who reacts before getting the facts and thinking things through, you will love this!

The people of NSW, feeling it was time for a shakeup, elected a new party and new Premier Barry O'farrell . The new Premier was determined to rid the government of all slackers.

On a tour of the Government facilities, the Premier noticed a guy leaning against a wall. The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business.

He asked the guy, "How much money do you make a week?"

A little surprised, the young man looked at him sheepishly and said, "I make $400 a week. Why?"

The Premier said, "Wait right here." He walked back to the main office, came back in two minutes, and handed the guy $1,600 in cash and said, "Here's four weeks' pay.

Now GET OUT and don't come back there is no room for slackers in my government ."

Feeling pretty good about himself, the Premier looked around the room and asked, "Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-ball did here?"

From across the room there was some loud laughter and aloud voice said, "Pizza delivery guy from Domino's

posted on Jan 31, 2013 2:16 AM ()


One summer I worked in the kitchen at a Catholic hospital, and part of my job was to use a list the residents nuns gave us, filling a shopping cart with their groceries for the weekend. One item was always a 6 pack of beer that we wrapped in plain brown paper.
comment by kitchentales on Feb 10, 2013 12:25 PM ()
Goes to show there human
reply by kevinshere on Feb 11, 2013 9:00 PM ()
As Teal said, politics are endless here in the U.S. The next major election will be in November, 2014, and the race is already on.

Thank for the funnies!!
comment by marta on Feb 2, 2013 1:49 PM ()
With our government officials they are not going to give something without recieving something in return, and they think they are being so clever about this too. Thats why it will either take a miracle to get a bill passed, or one hand washed another
comment by redwolftimes on Feb 1, 2013 9:03 PM ()
politicians the same world over, they can give you something then take it away before you can get it
reply by kevinshere on Feb 1, 2013 10:44 PM ()
Our campaigns seem never to end -- they are starting to overlap. But the last one was a real uplifter for such as meself. Loved that the Republicans couldn't figure it out: Wha hoppen? They think they just didn't get their message across. The problem was they got their message across and they still don't get it. Best of all: the big money and the superpacs failed. That is major.
comment by tealstar on Jan 31, 2013 3:03 PM ()
Julia Gillard current prime minister got her position without going to an electtion , she gpt the job in party ballot when the incumbent Kevin RUDD became so disliked in the polls.
reply by kevinshere on Jan 31, 2013 8:36 PM ()
"Eight months is unheard of so this is certainly going to be a long long campaign"Come to the USA where they are already talking about the 2016 elections and where they are starting to campaign for the 2014 elections--we have elections of some sort every day of every year---National, State, County, City, etc.
comment by greatmartin on Jan 31, 2013 10:19 AM ()
no thanks
reply by kevinshere on Jan 31, 2013 8:37 PM ()
With the primaries before the general election here I think we had many more than 8 months--guess you'll survive!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 31, 2013 9:48 AM ()
Apart from going bush with no communications would be the only way out
reply by kevinshere on Jan 31, 2013 8:38 PM ()
I am not sure if anything is getting done.So much bickering and yelling etc.
afraid what is going to happen in the near future.
comment by fredo on Jan 31, 2013 9:37 AM ()
Mate! today the premier of our state has resigned, now thier party are having a row, who will be next is anyone guess.
Paid you a visit via earth --was a foogy day in 2010 but still looked good
reply by kevinshere on Jan 31, 2013 8:43 PM ()
We have just finished with our campaigns. I am relieved not to worry about
the outcome any more. I just wish that our state was not stuck in the
comment by elderjane on Jan 31, 2013 6:50 AM ()
Have federal this year with state elections in March next year, they all claim poor when taxes go up, as long as i get my pension i could not care less
reply by kevinshere on Jan 31, 2013 8:48 PM ()

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