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Politics & Legal > Not Reagans Party Anymore

Not Reagans Party Anymore

I joined the Republican party during Reagan's term. I was so proud of
Ronald Reagan. He made me feel good when I voted for him and confident in his leadership. I didn't know that would be the last time I would have those feelings about my President.


We had G.H.W. Bush after Ronald Reagan who was the first President to use the Chilling phrase "New world order." In spite  of this (it was "just words")   I still supported him anyway when he ran against Bill Clinton. I remember what a lackluster campaign he waged and how I felt cheated because he didn't even seem to try. That was the first time I voted for the "lesser of two evils," but it was not to be the last.


When .Bush II ran and because  I had just my shattered wrist I
had a lot of time and worked with my local church to support him even
though I had great misgivings and wasn't sure I trusted him because of
his Dad's "new world order" statement.  However as before,  a Bush was once again  supposedly the "lesser of two evils". Al Gore or John Kerry??? No way!  I even had a friend who told me voting for the lesser of two evils is STILL voting for evil. In my heart I knew he was right but the man in me said Gore and Kerry? I couldn't stand the thought of either of them, so I voted for W.

All in all, considering all W. had to manage during his time in office
I think he did the best he could. He was certainly no Ronald Reagan
which is what drew me to the Republican party in the first place. I
wouldn't even call George Bush a conservative really. I was glad that
he conducted himself with dignity and decorum during his Presidency,
unlike Bill Clinton who dishonored and betrayed the office of the
Presidency. Its said Bush was as warm and friendly to the elevator
operator as he was to heads of state. I'm glad we had what I believe to
be a "good man" in the White House if not the leader I had hoped he
would be.

In this election, the most important election in my lifetime, an
election that will set the course this nation will follow for perhaps
the rest of my life, the Republican Party runs John McCain against a
Marxist. If you read any of my early on posts you know I wasn't at all
happy that McCain got the nomination, but wound up supporting him
anyway, because...he was the
lesser of two evils.

If by some miracle, some big high muckety muck in the Republican party
were to read this, understand this, let me be very very clear, I WILL
NOT DO THAT AGAIN. You have betrayed me and others like me that are CONSERVATIVES. I've already heard members of McCains "team" throwing Sarah Palin under the bus and trying to blame her, a REAL conservative for losing this election. You did not lose because of Sarah Palin, you lost because you gave us eight years of George Bush--not a
conservative--- then nominated John McCain who should just go BE a
Democrat if he loves them so much, he's certainly no conservative.
Conservatives don't want to go to the middle left, WILL NOT be dragged
to the middle left. Conservatives believe in this nation. They are the
BACKBONE of the Republican Party AND this nation. Without Christian
Conservatives, the Republican party will cease to exist, if it hasn't
already. You act as though you are ashamed of us, like we're the ugly
sister you HAD to bring to the dance. I confess, I do not understand
that. No, this is not the party of Ronald Reagan anymore. If your will run a Sarah Palin or if not her at
least a REAL CONSERVATIVE next time, if there IS a next time, or you
will lose again and you will continue to lose.

I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you for what YOU did to our nation. I
don't blame the dolts that voted for Barack Obama. I blame you, the
party leadership for abandoning conservative principles. Is everyone up
there so stupid that they don't realize that?

Just my opinion,

posted on Nov 9, 2008 4:04 PM ()


My hubby doesn't think we will survive an Obama presidency, either. I'm hoping that it won't be so bad. We have survived other not very good presidents. Maybe... just maybe... Obama will turn out okay. Hey... we don't have a crystal ball.
comment by anniel on Nov 11, 2008 8:46 AM ()
me too.I hope that he is the person who is cut out for this.
We all need this.Both parties.I would love to see all of this come
together.But we will see my friend.Beside this.How are you doing there.
Feeling okay.Things working out there for you.You never talk about your
personal life.Not that is none of our business but do like to hear
about your interest in life beside politics.Are you holding out
thanks Bill have a good evening.Love your avatar.[ROLL EYES]
comment by fredo on Nov 10, 2008 1:36 PM ()
He was a good actor and thats all I am saying.
The election is over and no need to dwell on other things.
We need to work together and the the change going.
Obama is going to do this for us.Believe me he is.
comment by fredo on Nov 10, 2008 10:21 AM ()
I'll be a Reagan Republican until the day I die and just maybe... in heaven, too. I'm also proud to say that my daughter, 37 years old, follows in my footsteps. She was at the Reagan Library a couple of days ago and she called me as she was leaving. She was in tears because she was so greatly moved by visiting the library. Now... that is devotion. I guess I did raise her right.... Reagan Right!!!!
comment by anniel on Nov 10, 2008 12:00 AM ()
Good post Bill! No, sadly it is not Reagan's party anymore. I miss President Reagan and we need another!
comment by texastar on Nov 9, 2008 8:37 PM ()
Ronald Reagan was not just a republican, he was a conservative in his every word, thought, and idea. Bush I and Bush II were (are) republicans, but not much in the way of being true conservative, but enough to win once or twice. John McCain is republican, but much more liberal than conservative. (RINO) In the early primaries, the democrats elected McCain as the republican presidential nominee; and in the general election, the democrats voted for the democrat, many mis-guided and mis-directed feel-good republicans voted for the democrat, and so many real conservatives just stayed home !!!!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Nov 9, 2008 5:12 PM ()

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