Here's what Fairey says about the work on his website:
”I believe with great conviction that Barack Obama should be the next President. I have been paying close attention to him since the Democratic convention in 2004. I feel that he is more a statesman than a politician. He was against the war when it was an unpopular position (and Hillary was for the war at that time), Obama is for energy and environmental conservation. He is for healthcare reform. Check him out for yourself: barackobama.com. Proceeds from this print go to produce prints for a larger statewide poster campaign.”
He's apparently NOT paid for officially by the Obama campaign,
Shepard Fairey is well known for his prolific stickering and flyposting of his propaganda-style images.

I've been going about this thing all wrong. I've been trying to SHOW liberals that Barack Obama is a communist, all the while thinking (honestly) that IF they KNEW that then everything would be ok because no true red white and blue American is going to vote for a communist....right?
How stupid do I feel as it slowly dawns on me that THEY knew it long before I did and THAT'S EXACTLY what they WANT! I'm slow but I catch up!
It'll be GREAT! They can shut down that pesky talk radio thing with all those right wing hater's always going on and on about things that are really none of their concern anyway. After all, THAT'S WHY we elect these people isn't it? So they can run things for us, for OUR own good, the way THEY think it should be. How in the world can they EVER get anything done with the little people in this country always trying to add their two cents! Those in charge of us can then just pass everything that is good for us whether we know about it or necessarily agree with it or not. With them out of the way we can get back to tolerating each other diversly!
We'll all be so much safer and better off when the guns are FINALLY outlawed too! We can feel safe in our homes again. Police and law enforcement will still have guns of course, I mean hey we're not England after all. They are the only ones that really NEED guns. Well, them and the people that protect politicians. I guess they could be considered law enforcement though. Good grief, the Republicans want a TANK in every garage for pete's sake. Barack will bring sanity back to Washington! He will confiscate all of those nasty guns and pass out daffodils to every American family symbolizing a new age of peace and prosperity! It'll be so..... changity!
Another great hope for change will be putting a stop to that awful religion of hate. Yes, Christianity with all of it's holier than thou hate mongering hypocrite followers will be banned. I'm sure that the great leader will give them the chance to denounce their faith (being all benevolent and all) and join as one with the rest of "the people" but if they refuse they can be "separated" from the rest of the peace loving tolerant and diverse people of our great country. We can once again be happy and free from all moral constraints. Except for those that may fall under Sharia of course because we must show our solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters as we finally embrace a GOOD religion, the "religion of peace." We'll be all about peace!
To show just how peaceful we're willing to be our Great and magnificent leader will put a stop to the practice of using MILITARY HATE MONGERS to run around the world killing innocent puppies and small children. No more war! Think of it....imagine it...embrace it! All of our enemies around the globe will see our good intentions and join hands with us to clean up the planet and end poverty and all that other good stuff! (Anybody got all the words to Kum by yah?)
Another wonderful by product of our electing this Great leader is that he will be able to appoint Supreme Court Justices that can ensure that the "peoples" government will be sustained long after Comrade Obama is off the scene. Burack Obama will not appoint right wing haters like the evil fascist McBush would if Republicans had their way but will instead appoint great innovators like Ruth Bader Ginsberg that know how to interpret our living Constitution rather than trying to treat it like its written in stone or something. How yesterday is that kind of thinking???
Think of the togetherness we will all share as each of us rides our bicycles to our appointed jobs each day. Enjoying the fresh clean air without the filth of the carbon pumping gas guzzling cars running up and down the road. We will enjoy better health due to the cycling as well...it just gets better and better....doesn't it!
The schools will teach our young ones how to "be as one" with each other and root out any of the haters that hide among us trying to destroy our new found harmony. Yes, our children will no doubt finally be taught the civility of turning in their parents or their parents friends that commit "crimes against the state" trying to harsh our mellow!
Thank Mother Earth we finally have a man with the intellectual prowess to show the world the TRUE face of Communism, a man that can show how to do it RIGHT...with fairness..and hopefulness...and change.
Just my opinion, Comrade,