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Life & Events > Little Bits of This and That

Little Bits of This and That

The upcoming week will be a busy one for my family. My mother will be celebrating her 81st birthday on the 17th, and the following day she’ll be moving. The past two months of organizing her condominium in preparation for the move, has been overwhelming for her, but I know she’s looking forward to the time she can just relax again.

She finally called the real estate agent this week. So much paperwork! The agent was over at my mother’s condo almost three hours! I had no idea how thorough the inspection is. Mom was shocked at the asking price for her condo -- she believes it’s worth a lot more. The agent explained that there was no way the condo would sell for the price mom wanted. She basically told her to expect a pretty low final offer-- we’ll wait and see. I just hope it sells!

My brother listed a few pieces of my mom’s furniture on Craigslist -- a dining room table, chairs, and matching buffet table. The buffet table sold for $150 cash. Now if only the table and chairs would sell! My brother is asking $550 for them. I think that’s a very fair price.

The condo is definitely looking bare. My mom and I have taken a gazillion loads over to Goodwill -- those poor guys just roll their eyes when we pull up. I know they appreciate our donations. It is all really good stuff that a lot of needy (and not needy) people can use.

My sister is planning on having all 9 of us kids pitch in for a Visa gift card for my mom’s birthday. She wanted us to pay for mom’s new kitchen table and living room sofa, but I told her we were planning on buying that together on Wednesday. I told my sister the Visa card is still a great idea though. Mom can use it for things around her new apartment or maybe the new winter coat she's been wanting. It should be a pretty hefty balance on the gift card so she should have no problem finding a way to spend it all. One thing about my mom is she is very generous and has a difficult time accepting gifts from us kids, especially monetary gifts. I think she will be appreciative of this one though. It’s not everyday you turn 81 and move the next day!

Nothing really new with me. I’ve been keeping busy with helping mom. I also keep busy walking my dog Milo -- he’s been gaining a few pounds (so have I!) so we’ve been outside a bit more, walking, and enjoying the beautiful Indian summer weather. A couple days ago I fell and ripped open my knee. It wasn’t a pretty sight. I also twisted my ankle/foot at the same time. Talk about clumsy! I’m all better now. I iced the ankle/foot for days which helped a lot. The knee just has a nasty scab. It still hurts if I kneel on it, so I tend not to kneel unless I absolutely have to.

Well, Milo is staring at me again. Looks like its time for a walk.

posted on Nov 9, 2010 3:55 PM ()


It's shocking what home prices, and condo prices in particular are down to in so many parts of the country, and a disappointment to those of us who thought we had an appreciating investment there. Best wishes to your mother on her birthday.
comment by troutbend on Nov 11, 2010 12:10 AM ()
I need to start walking my dogs more... I dunno WHY I have been so lazy lately...
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 10, 2010 1:44 PM ()
My mother is a lot like your mother...she, too struggles with accepting gifts of any kind. Every year at her birthday and Christmas, she begs me not to spend any money on her. I hope that your Mom likes her gift and that her condo sells and her old furniture, too.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 9, 2010 4:52 PM ()

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