

Milwaukee, WI
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Just Me

Life & Events > Good Day

Good Day

Tuesdays for me are one of those days that I really look forward to. I take my dog Milo out for a long walk in the morning. We usually take our usual route around the neighborhood, but today I had an urge to try something a little less expected and we ended up by the lake. Who knew a dog would enjoy a change of scenery so much! I suppose they get bored of the same scenery just like their humans. Anyway, we had a really nice walk around the lake -- dogs are not allowed on the beach so we stuck to the sidewalks and side roads.

Then I drove to my Mom's (without Milo) to have lunch with her. We grilled burgers outside -- it was a perfect day for it. Waiting for the burgers to get done allowed us a chance to talk and share our week's events. Neither of us had much to say, except that I shared with her a little of my interest in possibly starting my own AVON business. It's still in the thought process -- haven't really contacted anyone or even researched it much. I've sold items online through ebay and (mostly dvd's and music cd's), but I'd be interested to see if I could sell something of more substance. I'd have to commit 100% to the prospect of having my own business and what that all entails..something I know very little about. I will need to have some start-up money but it's not very much (around $100), as well as transform my living area into a home office. I'm very excited about the prospect of working for myself. I think it would be an excellent opportunity for me. I'm quite eager to learn more about it.

And lastly, I've decided to replace my father's Purple Heart medal that was lost. He served in combat during WWII and received the medal after he received shrapnel to his leg. I know very little about this event. My mother had given me the original Purple Heart case, ribbon, and shrapnel piece that came with the medal a few years ago. Unfortunately the medal was lost prior to her giving me these items. I decided to take it upon myself to try to find a replacement -- it looks like I'll have to order one from an Army surplus store. The PH medals from WWII were all the same, so it should look no different than the one my father was given for his sacrifice in the war. I have other items from when my father served in the war: postcards(some of which were written in Polish!), pictures of his time in boot camp, a collection of letters to his mother and sister, coins from the various countries visited during the war, and his wartime ID card. My brothers were also given some of our father's military items -- most of which came in his military-issue trunk. I believe I received the most interesting items.

Well, I better get a move on. This afternoon I have my woman's support group to attend -- it's basically for women who live with mental illness and anxiety disorders. Lots more to accomplish today!

posted on Sept 7, 2010 11:07 AM ()


I would like to see a picture of Milo!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 7, 2010 11:46 AM ()
I will be writing a post on Milo soon.
reply by justme on Sept 9, 2010 7:41 AM ()

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