Johnny Teneyck


Johnny Teneyck
Atlanta, GA
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Life & Events > Boring > Amerigobard, a Mind in Exile

Amerigobard, a Mind in Exile

No; only some if us miss you

What an opening remark, I’m sure that what is going to follow is going to be some grammatically incorrect lump of shit just like this first sentence. I guess what I’m trying to say is, English motherfucker, do you speak it? The correct syntax is “No, only some of us miss you.”

I don't miss you at all, because lying about a whistleblower who's life has been threatened by corrupt public officials (that would be me), is a crime called slander.

In truth the crime that you are shooting for here is called libel. Slander applies only to the spoken word libel venomous lies in print.

If you lie about me again, I will file a motion, in a federal court, to have your identity revealed to a judge, so that I may file a lawsuit against you for defamation of character.

Good luck doing that from Southeast Asia or wherever you are lying about being right now. Also, in order for you to succeed in your lawsuit you have to be able to prove that Vladimir knew he was saying things that are untrue. You can’t. You suck, I think you are stupid, retarded, a liar, a coward, an uneducated basement dweller, a chronic masturbator, and a closet homosexual. To sue me you’ll have to prove that I am not lying and since I believe all of those things to be true, you can’t. This is why you crying about an impending lawsuit is stupid.

Do we understand each other now, VLADIMIR?

Like I said, I’m not sure that gibbering lunatic is Vlad’s first language. Maybe you should try speaking to a fluent speaker of that dialect; I think she goes by the name texastar here on mybloggers in between OMNOMNOMNOMs.

Free Speech stops when the speech is slanderous and defamatory

Again, you special guy you, the syntax is libelous. However, none of VLADIMIR’s statements are. He believes them and thus, you lose. You have yet to provide ANY tangible proof that what you claim is true (that means real facts, not fabricated conspiracy theories) and so you have no proof that any of us are lying. Even if you did have tangible proof you couldn’t prove that anyone is lying when they say bad things about you. You are quite a lolcow though.

I told Martin off for the same reason I've told you off.

Because you want to have sex with him?

If you enjoy getting sued, make unfounded and speculative statements about my honest claim that I have left the United States after having received a death threat from a US intel asset, after I exposed alleged CIA involvement in cocaine smuggling, money laundering, and federal election tampering.



Slander is serious business, especially when it adds to a climate of fear, and has a chilling effect on the lawful actions of whistleblowers.

Libel is serious business because blah blah blah. What are you trying to sue him for anyway, is it libel or defamation of character? You can’t win either, I am just curious as they are two different offenses.

Stay out of my site and refrain from your speculative remarks about my status as a self-imposed exile who left the US after being threatened by corrupt public officials, and you won't get sued!

Exile isn’t self imposed you fuckwit. Also, again, you are a liar, you have no case. Any lawyer will tell you that. You are gay. You are stupid. I hate your fucking guts. You are a fagmo. No one loves you. You have no dick. You are a premature ejaculator. I hope your whole family dies in a fire. The genetic makeup that made you cannot be allowed to continue. You also cannot possibly enforce your “stay out of my site” thing. Public forum… public domain… blah blah blah.

Sue me you fucking pole smoker. The judge will laugh your ass into actual exile.
What do you expect to gain from your lawsuit? Are you going to write a blog about it so that all six of the people who give a fuck about you will pat you on the back and tell you how wonderful you are? You’ll find no reach-around here. Did you by chance go to public school because you certainly do structure sentences like you did?

posted on Apr 2, 2008 11:15 AM ()


interesting post....
comment by itsjustme on Apr 3, 2008 12:13 AM ()
Hyvemynd I swear!
comment by mmmhollywould on Apr 2, 2008 5:42 PM ()
Please, don't put him with us--'closeted homosexual', 'you are homosexual',--we have enough problems in the gay world--keep him in the heterosexual world or wherever he has 'exiled' himself to.
comment by greatmartin on Apr 2, 2008 4:11 PM ()
another person screaming lawsuit?? what gives with the lawsuit threats?
comment by elkhound on Apr 2, 2008 12:02 PM ()

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