Johnny Teneyck


Johnny Teneyck
Atlanta, GA
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Life & Events > Relationships > Johnny Are You Queer?

Johnny Are You Queer?

It seems that without the gravitational force of Johnny telling her what to do the little satellite slave known as Holly has nigh unto utterly reverted back into the same old habits that she was in when she met me in the first place. After a barrage of thinly veiled insults and smarmy backhanded comments she posts an amusing play list featuring one song “Johnny are you Queer?” I hope that when the drunken bravery wore off you felt a little bit better in your heart because that kind of behavior is exactly what got you into the predicament that you now find yourself in. No matter how hard you try to deny or disguise what you are doing the fact of the matter is that even with this “kiss my ass” attitude that you have developed all you are really doing is showing everyone exactly why I chose to loan you out to Miss Beka.

Despite the resounding efforts that I've made to turn you the direction that you need to grow, both as a person and as my little slave girl my efforts were for naught. Though it pains me in my little black heart to say this, maybe you were right about me. You did exactly what I thought you would do in this situation and that was to lash out at me with adolescence and sophomoric drama in some attempt to validate yourself. What you should be doing is seeing what it is that I did for you in sending you off on this indoctrination course that I've sent you out on.

You were and are still my perfect little project but it is going to have to take a hand that is not my own to get her back to me. The reasons for this are myriad but the biggest one is still that you have grown to accustomed to my hand and you need a tune up that is going to sink through the knowledge that you played on my sensibilities to manipulate me into not doing what I needed to do to ensure what you were doing was the right thing.

While you didn't fail to surprise me in this reaction to what is happening to you I am a bit disappointed in you Holly. I always had managed to foster the hope that you would see this for what it is and not for what you imagine it to be. I have never kept a slave as long as you and so you felt safe with me. A certain amount of trust in needed in order to make what we have going work but the fact of the matter is that once you felt too safe the methodology of my training you became less and less effective until a series of incidents that led to you clothes being packed into garbage bags.

So when you proudly display that you are breaking the very specific rules that I have laid out for you I am forced to start to wonder if you can do what I need you to do at all. If there is no chance that you can be not only a receptacle for my cock and cum but also for the pruning and the prodding that is involved in maintaining a near perfect slave then you are of no further use to me.

I'll give you the chance to decide what you feel you need to do because as you know I feel that apologies are unnecessary.

posted on Apr 21, 2008 7:00 PM ()


if i need to stay out of what you call "adult conversations" don't publicly post them.... and please spare me the blah blah blahs of your "lifestyle" and "sub culture" you guys are twisted...and a waste.
comment by caralynnfarley on May 1, 2008 11:42 AM ()
so maybe i am a teenager but that doesn't mean that i don't know what is going on around me... or that i don't understand what i read.... and maybe you are a little too hung up on yourself...i do live my own life #######... i just feel free enough to comment on others... because i can and will speak my mind to anyone however i choose to. i never said you had to agree with what i said... and i never said you had to take any suggestions from me.

and i sir, am anything but small minded.... maybe you are the one with a small mind...because any sick #### that "loans" out a girl or thinks he has the power to loan out ANYBODY needs to come into the century... she has the free will to go and do any thing she wants... i do accept people for who they are and blah blah blah.

i personally just think you are ###### up in the head... a waste to the planet... and someone unnecessary breathing my precious oxygen.

so unless you don't enjoy reading my comments... maybe you shouldn't post #### like this for the public to freely read....

peace out cub scout... later.
comment by caralynnfarley on Apr 30, 2008 11:44 AM ()
I'm gonna have to go with CLF on this one, at first i was alright with the whole sadist thing because like i said to each his own, but you know what, that is fuked up i'm sure she has a reason to have left you and she doesn't belong to you (so you seem to believe) the only people women belong to...are themselves.It seems like to me by posting this little rant you seem to be more hung up on her than she seems to be on you. So grow the fuk up and move.
comment by roosarefromaustralia on Apr 28, 2008 12:23 PM ()
okay.... so i try to be an open minded person... but honestly, i dont think i can open my mind anymore.... Holly as your SLAVE?? i thought maybe she was your girlfriend or something... but where do you get off degrading women to the point where she is your slave?? i mean maybe she is degrading herself to even let herself be your slave but i mean... come the fuk on.... Jesus H. Christ.

and for all she knows you are queer.... i mean you do sexual things with men. i know its for money but... there have to be homosexual tendencies to even choose that as a career.... so why dont you get off your high horse or throw yourself off it... or wtf ever....
comment by caralynnfarley on Apr 28, 2008 12:11 PM ()
Johnny, I hope you don't take this the wrong way. But I would like to ask you a question. I don't mean to offend you or make you angry,and I understand I don't know the dynamics's of your and Holly's life. I may be confused but from what I read or understand from what you wrote...You lost control of Holly...due to being too close or whatever...You still love her...from what I gather and your doing this to help Holly be a better slave. If there is still love there..or respect...or admiration isn't there something to work from that? There are Dom's who have more than one this not correct? Like I said I don't know the dynamics's of your relationship...but wouldn't you like someone who challenged the mind and kept you on your toes... Instead of being like everyone seem to me like a young man who isn't afraid of taking on a challenge.

Like I said I don't mean to offend or make you angry. I'm trying to understand. I listened to the lines of that song.. That was one line in it that said the queer remark. The others talking about loving him and being hurt. I know most likely your laughing at me for being naive or out of the loop...and that's fine. But there are too many people out there looking for someone to love have it just given up.
comment by elfie33 on Apr 22, 2008 9:01 PM ()

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