Johnny Teneyck


Johnny Teneyck
Atlanta, GA
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Life & Events > Suck Me F*** Me, Eat Me Raw

Suck Me F*** Me, Eat Me Raw

I wonder sometimes about the hard and true nature of the world around us and I am forced to contend with the fact that everything that everyone around me does is for a reason that either doesn’t work for me or makes no sense to me at all. In fact if it weren’t for the body of mine that tells me that I need o eat and sleep I wouldn’t do those things either. All of my wants, needs, and desires are replaceable and that is what makes me free to do the things that I want to do and take what I want from this world.

When I walk down the street I am confronted from all sides by the desperate and desolate faces of humanity. They cling together and remain steadfast in their duties to avoid one another like a bunch of gibbering lunatics and there it is all the same. For every time I heard a woman telling me that she is going to make it on her own I have seen at least one child going hungry. The government will gladly step in and raise those kids on my dime but on the same page they don’t do anything about her having more kids that she can’t feed.

I opened my eyes to the true nature of the human condition years ago when I was contemplating whether or not to sever any remaining connection between my species and myself. The nature that humanity keeps buried away underneath two hundred years of western civilization telling us that we are all special and can be anything that we want to be. The fact of the matter is that everyone knows this is a lie. You can’t honestly tell me that you look at every child in the world and see the potential to be the President or the CEO of a global corporation. There are just some people who whether you like it or not and for whatever reason be it stupidity, laziness, or an inability to understand the game of competition in some righteous attempt to try to validate the world aren’t suited to lead anyone let alone themselves.

There are plenty of people out there in the world who do a lot of the same things that I inundate my life with. There are lots of people out there who like to revel in every experience that they can and try desperately to overcome this meat body of ours in an attempt to create something better and more glorious than the original blueprint intended but most if not all of those fall to the wayside in those pursuits.

The concept that human beings are somehow more than they really are is a fairly recent one really and I’ll tell you when it started. With the advent of monotheistic religion came the idea that laying dormant in all of us is an immortal and perfect being that desires nothing more than to please a giant intangible parent figure. The reason that this went down so well and virtually supplanted all of the other equally invalid religions that were around at the time is simple, almost everyone wants to be treated like a child. People instinctively crave that comfort and security of knowing that even in the darkest of times their big invisible magic daddy is going to keep them safe as long as they follow a totally obtuse and ridiculous set of rules to stay on His good side.

Understanding and reason are crushed underneath the boot heel of religions and ideologies that make no sense. People prove time and again that they are willing to ignore facts in the fact of not fitting in with whatever little group that they chose to fit in with. There are no visionaries anymore. There is no one left to tell these people that they are wrong because no one has any higher ground to stand on and from these seats of inscrutably power the people that are far from reproach issue the commands to their mindless little drones telling them how they should think and feel and making them believe that picking one extreme or the other is actually getting to make a choice.

The fact of the matter remains that no matter how hard you try and no matter how fast you run on that treadmill you are never going to come close to breaking even and the only way that you can ever get off of that piece of shit is by accepting the fact that there is no such thing as comfort and security and no matter how you want to slice it there probably is no magical and invisible daddy that is going to keep you safe.

You can try to put your faith in other people but the fact is that no matter what a person is bound to at some point let you down, it is in their nature. Human beings are their own worst enemies and they are too stupid to realize that it isn’t a difference in worldview that makes them so; it is because they thrive on carnage and misery.

Once all of these factors have been aligned a much more productive worldview can be achieved. When you realize that the species is fucked and you have to exist nearly solely for yourself in order to glean anything good from the proceedings you have to know that you are not alone.

I am right there with you.

posted on May 28, 2008 4:22 PM ()


I saw you in a comic book once.
comment by drmaus on July 16, 2008 1:21 AM ()
Your in high form today my friend. I don't happen to agree with you...but hey that's life. I don't think everyone thrives on misery. Now I do believe some folks like to live that way. But I don't believe everyone does. I think if everyone lived that way the world would be a much different place.
comment by elfie33 on May 30, 2008 12:42 PM ()
you generalize a lot.
Not everyone thrives on misery and carnage. The Romans did... Ghandi did not.
Perhaps you do, but that's you, not the entire world. We all see the world through our very own eyes, some obviously more optomisticly than others...
comment by kristilyn3 on May 28, 2008 6:07 PM ()
ok first, I really have missed your warm snuggly posts! second, I do believe in God and I 'know' He is there for me, helping me and guiding me. without that belief I cannot imagine what life would be about. we are extreme opposites JT. I believe in God, I believe in the goodness of people, I believe that I was created for some purpose, yet to be determined. it is my faith in all things good that allows me to greet each day.
comment by elkhound on May 28, 2008 5:23 PM ()

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