Johnny Teneyck


Johnny Teneyck
Atlanta, GA
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Religion > The Water

The Water

Buried deep inside the heart and mind of every person on this planet whether they want to admit that they are a slave as such is a compelling draw to forces that others would be considered dark. Way back when my heart first died I wondered what it was embedded in each and every human being that made them want to annihilate themselves.

When I look at my ads and every other place that I exist on the internet the people who see me have to know that joining with me and understanding anything about what is going on have to know that joining with me in the parasitic relationship that I have with everyone who has the balls to call themselves a follower of mine that they are literally signing a deal with the Devil.

Don’t get me wrong I got over the satanic fairytale years ago but I have to admit that I am a hell of a substitute for the tormentor of souls right here on earth. A contractual arrangement is met and I give every slave exactly what he or preferably she wants, a guardian angel, a protector, a Master, and a tormentor and they provide me with everything that they are were or could be. The darkness inherent in what I have become is more than apparent to me and still the slave minded sheep flock to me like so many sick people in need of a healing that comes at a cost too heavy to be able to be rationalized in the face of self preservation.

It is because of this that I have to come to one conclusion about the very nature of humanity and not only the ones who want to admit this to themselves right now today. Each and every person on this planet begs to be taken over entirely by a callous and ravenous force bigger than they could have ever imagined. You can see this reflected in the ways that they rally around flags for causes that not only make no sense but also demonstrate perfectly the remorseless fucking monsters that all of you are.

I know for a fact that a lot of people out there try to vilify me and what I do because of the nature of what I am. It isn’t often that there is an individual, creature or not, that admits to being a soulless and heartless beat and the very idea is so disturbing to the majority of people that they can’t help but cling to their torches and pitchforks and try to chase me up a hill that doesn’t exist. Yet for every one of those there are a hundred more that while they aren’t yet aware of the nature of the human condition they are still enthralled by everything that I say and do and wish that they too could enjoy an amount of freedom like that.

I am free to do whatever I please in this world and what I do is offer the people who want to a chance to fly along for the ride. Sure it hurts and I have to break a few eggs in order to keep myself fed but the fact of the matter is that everyone out there in the world needs to know that even though I am a monster the worst monster of all lies within each human being. Self loathing and projecting rage monkeys all of you fling your shit at each other constantly with no regard for the lasting damage that you are doing and the energy you are expending instead of trying to rise above the shit pile.

How can you know what it means to truly be alive without reveling in every sensation that someone somewhere along the line told you not to? When the last call comes around are you going to be able to send a message that you got what you wanted from this world, tore it out of the hearts of your competition, and claim the nature of who and what you are? Everyone in the world knows that in their deepest darkest corners of their minds that they are no better than me.

Do whatever you will, but first be such as are able to will.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Sure the guy was a lunatic and ended up talking to his horse but I believe fully that in this particular instance he was absolutely correct. The only problem with overcoming adversity in this life is that you cannot win given the told and rules that you were bred and conditioned to believe were the only answers that you have to all of life's problems. You can’t possibly imagine the liberation that is felt when you cast all of that aside, comfort, security, humanity, feelings, and companionship for the pursuit of the honor and privilege that it is to exist solely for and love only yourself.

Some may call me weak and cowardly. That I have some kind of deep seated insecurity that has lead me to tormenting the people that I view as my lesser in this world but the fact of the matter is that I didn’t start this path with that in mind. The first people who wanted to be my slaves came to me on broken knees searching for something anything that they could invest their energy into. I stand as a lasting effigy to the impermanence of this world and I don’t harbor any illusions that one day I will be replaced by a predator that can finally beat me at my own game. I haven’t encountered one thus far but the very nature of the game of making your own rules means that someone will eventually win.

What I do, every minute of every day is my passion. I do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it and I always do it with the best of my ability. Sure there are people out there who claim to truly be happy with what they have done with their lives but how many times have you seen a rich old drunk die alone. That I suppose is the major driving force in most human interaction. People seem to be built with a crossed wire that makes them want simultaneously to thrive on the misery of everyone around them but still shudder and quake in fear at the thought of losing that last possible chance for a connection on an emotional level with another person.

When you can see freedom at the end of the tunnel and you know that everything that you want to be lies at the end it is more than worth it to give up a chance for that level of connection and become what you really are. I am just like you; the only difference is that I am free to do anything because I was willing to give up everything to obtain it. Sure the material things are good like the money and the power and the amount of influence I can exert while pushing a person to their limits and bringing them back again, becoming the very driving force that sustains them but the real fun comes from knowing that no matter what I will always be willing to totally submerge myself in that darkness in order to see what is further down.

Come on in kids, the water’s fine.

posted on May 3, 2008 7:33 PM ()


I think everyone has two sides. Deep down everyone wants to be the opposite of who they are. Stand up for themselves, Be that super hero, have those sexual experiences they've never had. Live out that fantasy life. Be that person in their imagination. I agree with you when you say they are scared, I believe that's true. Scared, tied to society standards, family...whatever. But we are all tied to the laws of the land. Even you Johnny, you can live however you like but even you are tied to certain laws. If you hurt someone and they would be accountable just like everyone else. We all have to follow certain laws. Break them and we all have to pay the consequences, that is unless you work for the government or have a gazillion dollars and a good lawyer..LOL
comment by elfie33 on May 5, 2008 4:15 AM ()
we are total opposites JT. I crave that emotional bond with another person. The chance to have that one person who really knows me inside and out. perhaps I am too dependent on my need for friends. the need for approval, acceptance, love. yes we all have dark sides to us and sometimes we even let the dark out. but not without regrets and shame. I have never gotten to the point where I don't care what people think of me. I believe this does not make me a lesser person than you, just different.
comment by elkhound on May 4, 2008 6:47 AM ()

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