Johnny Teneyck


Johnny Teneyck
Atlanta, GA
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Life & Events > Feel the Drama

Feel the Drama

The sickest kind of impulse that drives people is the one that thrives on misery. No matter how hard you try to tell me otherwise there has always been a time in your life when you have taken private joy at the expense of someone else. It doesn’t even have to be someone you hate either but we see it imbedded in every facet of human interaction. The humiliation you inflict doesn’t have to be public either, all it takes is one smart assed comment to your little group of peers to set the ball in motion for more abuse to be stacked on the helpless individual. The internet has offered an umprecidented amount of anonymity and thus has emboldened people who thrive on chaos in all online communities the world over.

You can look here on mybloggers to see that what I’m saying is true. All it takes is someone to post some heavy drama about anyone else, especially other people on mybloggers and your blog is getting 5 times the number of hits that it would of. Sure being nicey nice gets you somewhere in a community like this one but all it really will do is draw the ire of someone who has decided that they are certainly not going to be nice to get you into the same cycle of self defeating dramatics. I do it ALL the time.

I suppose that the point that I’m getting at here is that there isn’t anyone who is above getting their balls busted. Sure you can say that “That was uncalled for.” Or “You shouldn’t have been so hard on but the fact of the matter is that getting humbled once in awhile keeps a person at a place where other people can deal with them. So far as I can tell the only way to avoid this fate is to abandon humanity entirely to pursue being something else. We already know how most of you feel about people like that.

posted on Apr 29, 2008 5:23 AM ()


Johnny sometimes you really surprise me (actually a lot of times..LOL) I may not always agree with you on everything...or understand you...your a smart young man and right on with this.
comment by elfie33 on Apr 30, 2008 6:53 AM ()
I have had more than my share of arguements and fighting online, and strangely, it can be quite fun. But yea, it doesn't get you far in small communities such as these.
comment by ekyprogressive on Apr 29, 2008 5:55 AM ()
I login here for peace and quiet and catch up with my mates. I have enough grief in my own life without getting more on-line. But as they say what you sow is what you reap, it depends on that particular person I suppose.
comment by lynnie on Apr 29, 2008 5:50 AM ()
sometimes I have to read your articles twice, just to get the full impact. as a nicey nice person who has been the victim of attacks, there is a certain satisfaction in getting even. but then I am riddled with guilt for stooping to that level. its just part of being nicey nice I guess.
comment by elkhound on Apr 29, 2008 5:30 AM ()

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